Chapter 16

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Rachel's POV

When I got home from Harry's, my mother was not home but she had left me a note saying she was sorry and that she would be back on Monday night to explain, that she just needed to get away and clear her head. Adding an extra sorry and a kiss at the end of the note; a p.s if you wish to call it that.


Today was the day that I had to make him concentrate on the drama script. We had to get some ideas down otherwise we'd be falling behind; which I'm pretty sure we are already. Even though we have both written or thought about the same equal amount of ideas, it simply was not enough. If we wanted to pass this class we had to have ideas that would make people think, have them guessing, give them an interest that they want to keep following as it progressed on wards.

As nearly always, I was early to get to the classroom with the exception of a few others. As I waited I seen a guy in the corner of my eye that I'm pretty sure I've seen before. Where I had seen him before I could not reflect but it was the fact that he was walking towards me made me seem a bit cautious. What could he possibly want?

"Hey, I've seen you before haven't i?" he asks, his figure almost looming over me in a dark mysterious way. His hair was perfectly placed into a quiff at the top of his head, not a single piece falling down from it. He wore almost everything black clothing that you could possibly wear, apart from his grey jumper that you could see under his black trench coat.

"Um, i, uh?" I rambled, not knowing that he could be thinking the same thing as I was. I regained myself before speaking again.

"Have i?" I cleared my throat, wanting to sound more confident in what I was saying.

"yeah, i'm pretty sure i have, did you go to Louis party at the weekend?" he asked me. He seemed like he was certain, making me know that he seen me. How did he know i was at the party? i think i would know if i seen him, his figure is quite obvious to stop in a crowd.

Not if you're drunk my conscious argued.

"yeah, i did" i replied, making a smirk come to his face. There was a silence between us for a moment and i hadn't noticed that a few people had arrived for class, as it was much later than when i got here. 

"I got to go" i told him awkwardly, pointing behind me to let him know that i meant i had to go to class. He nodded and watched my figure turn away from him and walk away from him. I was about an inch close to the classroom before his voice stopped me once again.

"we should hang out, yeah?" he rhetorically asked, not giving me a chance to explain or reply with my answer. "just go to Louis, i'll be there waiting. Shall we say tonight?" he asked. He is pretty persistent, isn't he.

If i answer will he leave? will he be happy with my answer? who even is he? 

Apparently my brain and mouth doesn't work together as i found myself speaking and agreeing to proposition. He just smirked a little harder, nodded and then strolled off to continue his day, probably like our conversation never just happened. I stood still for a moment, just thinking about what happened before shaking my head and heading to the classroom. Time to get my ideas rolling down my sleeve and onto paper.


I found myself, thirty minutes into the two hour lesson, alone. Considering what happened on the weekend i thought he would show a little bit of enthusiasm when coming back into the class. I even told him i would see him today, that should have given him a motive to come in, right? 

As i was alone, i started working on some more ideas, looking around the room for a bit of inspiration. Nothing in the room completely inspired me but i tried to think over the past events that have entailed me and Harry together and tried to piece the ideas on that. There was the time we skipped class because he was a moody little shit and wouldn't do the script. Then when i took him to the amusement centre, what a fun time that was i thought. Maybe the ideas come to me when i don't really think of them. It was no fun thinking of ideas alone, i needed a partner, in which has still not turned up. 

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