Chapter 21

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Read A / N at the bottom :) >.<

Harry's POV

The rehearsals so far had been going well. In my opinion I think we did great. The lines came natural to us and even though I didn't sign up for drama an the fact that I don't even like it, I had to say I was pretty damn good at it.

Me and Rachel had almost finished the script and all that it needed was a once over to check to see there were no mistakes or to make corrections. Everything in the script felt normal to act out, maybe because I know my lines so much but I think it's because I have someone great to work with.

Our friendship, shall we say, has turned out to be great. We have gotten along so well lately and had the odd flirt but nothing was harmless. As to say for feelings, I don't quite 100% know what Rachel feels or if she feels anything towards me but I'm going I'm going to let you know something...

I kinda, maybe, do like her.

I kinda of do.

Like her.

A lot.

But I am supposed to keep this as a business thing. My relationship with her would probably fail if I told her. She doesn't see me as anything else, I'd be surprised if she even likes me as a friend. I am uncertain on her feelings, and if I told her I would no doubt make it worse and then there would never be an us. Which I don't want to do.

[don't mind the time skip here, but I've skipped to may, otherwise it would have been boring]

We had a few days left before the final rehearsal. for the actual show. Keelie has managed to get everything under control so far, the sets, the costumes, the lighting. She has the hardest job of getting everything done, could you imagine me in charge? it would all go tits up.

If you asked me, are you nervous? I honestly wouldn't know how to reply. I know my lines, yes. But in all honesty it's harder than you think. You have to remember all the facial expressions to go with that one specific line, the movements that go with that line, where you have to be and stand and ugh it's hard work.

I just hope everything pays off and I don't make a balls up of it. Especially for Rachel, she deserves to be the star of the show. She is and will always be the star.

Rachel's POV

I am freaking out.

Freaking out is an understatement.

There is only a few days left until the final rehearsal and then we have to perform the script in front of the school. I honestly do not know how i am coping with this. I am feeling a new emotion nearly every hour of every day and that's not adding how Harry feels.


Lately i've had the strangest feeling about him and if i am completely honest, i don't know what it is. We have been working on the script for nearly a year now and i can still remember the first time i seen him on the open day that the college held for us before summer. Which is crazy compared to where we are now. I would have never pictured me working with him in a million years, but the odds of him having to complete a drama course and actually have to stick to it still surprises me. He surprises me.

The script however is compared to our lives so much that it will not even feel like we are acting. Basically we have added how we feel, what we did and how we did it into the script and it is the final product that i wanted. I didn't want a cliche piece of drama or something that automatically sends you to sleep because you find it boring and you want to leave. No, hopefully when we perform our script -- I feel so proud saying our script, that everyone will be kept interested and will want to know what happens next. It's a real life piece of work.

We also gave Keelie our script to look over to check for mistakes and she just smiled and shook her head, not giving us any pointers. What was that supposed to mean?

"Hey, are you nervous?" i asked, walking over to where Harry stood.

He turned his head to look at me, shrugged and then replied with an uneven face.

"so you are!" i exclaimed. My face trying to hold in a laugh as i seen his reaction.

"I am not, i just didn't feel like talking" he murmured.

He is so nervous. I can just tell.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, he flinched but look where my hand lay then looked back at my face,

"Hey, you know, if you are feeling nervous, you don't have to worry about it. Nerves are all a part of the adrenaline, if you didn't have them you'd probably be wailing in the corner. Which i am glad you're not because i could not deal with such a drama queen" i nudged his shoulder.

"No but seriously, you'll be fine. We both know how hard you've practised and rehearsed for this. You just gotta perform it now. Just think of it of as a rehearsal and nothing more." i smiled at him, getting the same back.

"And the best part, if you forget a line, you can wing it, because it's real and from you. And you've also got me up there." He smiled at that, which made me internally giggle.

"I know you didn't want to do this in the first place and you got real angry at the start of it, partly because of me pushing you and telling you to knuckle down with this but seriously, don't fret i-"

For some reason i found myself silent and i could not speak another word as a pair of lips were sealing mine. I felt my breath hitch as the lips pressed harder against mine, my eyes closing in the process. And maybe i also pressed back to make it balanced.

I felt air reach my lips so i slowly opened my eyes.

"Has anyone ever told you, you talk too much" he whispered, his forehead against mine. I shook my head, which apparently made the air disappear again as he kissed me once more.

This confirms it.

My uneven breathing right now confirms it.

My whirlwind of a heart rate confirms it.

Me kissing back confirms it.

I kinda, maybe, do like him.

But this thing, cannot happen. It stays quiet. Inside my head. It will pass. I know it will.

// A/N Heyy guys, sorry for the late update. I'm back at college now so it might be late updates. But honestly the rate that this has been going, i think the next chapter will be the last one.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's suckish i know. Sorry for any typos.

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