Chapter 20

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2 months later.

It was now February and we had 3 months to collect all the ideas together for the script.

Everything had been sorted out between my mother and i, after we sat down and had a discussion about our actions on that night. It turns out that she had gone out for a little drink that night and a man had confronted her, pleading for her to go back to his place and do the nasty. My mother had refused and he planted his fist against her face. Hence the bad mood she was in and had taken out, on me. We sat talking for roughly 2 hours, just taking, getting over the fact that she had raised her hand towards her child and the fact that i had spoken to her in an uncivilized way. We shortly resolved our problems and for the rest of the night we agreed on watching a movie and eating the left over celebrations that we had gotten for Christmas. Our terms were now settled and we was back to normal. It felt a whole lot better after we had done that. Nothing better than having bonding time with your mother.

We also had Christmas break, which lasted for 2 weeks. This mainly consisted of my days sat on the sofa with my duvet watching a bunch of movies. Oh and also the fact that Harry spent a few days at the house, with the embarrassment from my mother. As i recall that day, i wince and cringe at the thought of it

Flashback • ˘˘ •

I was sat on the sofa, wrapped up in my duvet like a turkey in the oven, just about to watch The Polar Express and fill my mouth with tiny marshmallows, when the door was knocked on.

Who in the right mind knocks on a door in this freezing weather? Baring in mind that it was Christmas eve.

I slithered of the sofa, wrapping myself up in the duvet as much as I could and shuffled towards the door. I looked through the peephole to see who it was knocking. It was partly covered with snow so I could only see half a figure, but I knew those legs from anywhere.

I reached for the handle, my duvet falling down on one side, and opened the door. I was in the middle of fixing my duvet around myself when the figure who was outside fell into my causing my to wrap the duvet around us both instead of just myself. With him standing on the opposite side of the door for that few minutes, you could feel the difference in temperature between us.

"Harry what are you doing here, and why are we wrapped up in my duvet?" I double asked.

I snatched the duvet back, shut the door and waddled back to the sofa to wait for his answer. Once I was comfortable, back in my position on the sofa, he just stood there looking at me. I patted the space next to me on my right, instructing him to sit down. Only he was not capable of doing such a simple instruction and had to step forward one footstep, stand on my precious purple bunny slippers and fall directly on top of me. Could this get any worse? I thought to myself. Which I shouldn't have done because..

Because that was when my mother walked in.

"Who was at the do-" she cut herself of and wickedly smiled when she seen Harry placed on top of me.

"Oh" she paused. "If you guys wanted privacy you should have just shouted up to me"

She walked over to the opposite armchair and looked at me and Harry. I pushed him up so he was now face on with my mother. His face slightly red from either 3 things;

- the temperature change

- blushing

- Or the fact that my mother was staring at him with those beady eyes with a wicked smile.

Seriously mum?!

"I understand that couples these days are more interested in sexual activity, than playing an old fashion game of monopoly" she spoke, killing me with embarrassment on the spot.

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