Sterek; drugsandsexandrockandroll

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Song: Drugs by Eden


"Do you hate me, Stiles?"

And suddenly the boy is thrown into a spiral of wherethefuckdidthatcomefrom? because, apparently, Derek has no regard for his physical health and is okay with giving him a heart attack in his own room. He did think he was alone, but since when would that happen? Theres always someone listening, is what has gotten proven to him very recently.

"What?" he deadpanned, trying not to freak out immensely- which was hard when his heart was hammering in his chest and he was quite literally hard.

"Do you hate me?"

"And why would you think that, Peter 2.0"

"I'm not Peter-"

"That's why I said 2.0, failwolf. You're just as creepy sometimes."

Then it was silent, as an aura of awkwardness encased the two completely- and Stiles would not turn around because he is not letting Derek know of his current situation. But then he realises, 'Wait, Derek can probably smell his fucked up situation anyway' so he says fuck it and turns to meet the glimmering- wait, did he just say glimmering?- green eyes of Derek Hale.

"Apparently, you don't hate me. Nevermind, I can leave." and he turns, and he tries to leave, and ohstilesisnothavingthatshitpulledonhim

"Uhhh, no, fuck you."

"I'd rather you'd not, thanks."

"Wow, are you naturally a sassy piece of crap or is this just a one time thing?"

Derek, noticing Stiles' flailing arms, growls lowly, what the human presumes is a threat, and grabs the boy's wrists.



"I'm going to change the question now, Stiles."

"Rip off the band-aid."

"Do you like me?" Putting, in Stiles' opinion, way too much emphasis on the word like.

First, Stiles is confused because of course he liked Derek- he saved his life numerous times! Then, after giving the wolf an incredulous look, it just clicks.

"Ouch, put the band-aid back on. I mean, Jesus, Derek- you can't just blantantly break into a guys house, for like the seventh time might I add, and ask him if he likes you. Especially if he's a hormonal teenager!" He whisper-shouts, since it's fucking 2 am and does not want his dad to walk in on this; whatever 'this' is. After a few, mainly terrifying, minutes of glares and stares and howdidhenotnoticehowprettyDerekseyesare? He sighed, and spoke:

"Dude, I think I should be the one asking you that question." after he noticed he and the wolf shared the same situation.

and in that moment, in his own mind, the human's subconcious whispers to itself:

he didn't like him,

because he most definitely loved him.

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