Chapter 30

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*Next Morning, Y/N's P.O.V.*
I woke up, hearing the birds chirping outside the window.

I sat up and saw Jungkook peacefully sleeping with his mouth opened and drooling down his saliva.

(A/N: Dirty water. My faceu toucheu XD)

I chuckled and wiped away his saliva with my thumb.

I thought to myself as I wiped it on his shirt.

Somehow, this scene seems so familiar to me.
It's like I've seen him in bed before.
It's like I've slept with him before.

Not in THAT way... Don't get the wrong idea.

"Do you like seeing my face that much?"
He opened his eyes and smirked.

"You were awake this whole time?!"
My eyes widen.

"Mmhm. Why did you wipe my saliva on my shirt?" He pursed his lips as he sat up.

"That's your own saliva!"
I hit him with the pillow playfully.

"Araseo princess. What do you want to eat for breakfast? I'll take you to the hospital's canteen to eat."
He wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"Let's go down and see what they have."

Jungkook got down and went in the bathroom.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed, my feet was on the ground.

I slowly got up but unfortunately I fell.
Luckily, Jungkook was out of the bathroom and caught me in his arms.

"Are you okay? Can you walk?"
He looked at me worriedly.

"Yeah.. It's just that my stomach is still in pain. You still haven't told me why yet."

"I-I'll tell you when it's the right time. Let's go Y/N." He stuttered but smiled at me.

He helped me up and we walked to the canteen together.

"I think I'll just have this noodle." I pointed at the menu board.

(A/N: Idk if that's what you call it.)

"Okie. Y/N I'll get the food for you since it's self service. Can you sit there while I get your food? I'll be back." He pointed to a table and I nodded.

"Careful! Don't fall." I could hear him shouting while I walked to the table.

I sat down and waited for Jungkook.

Suddenly, a few boys came to my side with a surprised face.

"Y-You're K.C from Diamond Souls right? Ommo, can I get your autograph please? I'm a big fan of yours." One of the boys spoke up.

"W-What do you mean?" I tilted my head with a questioning face.

"Y/N!" I turned around and saw Jungkook running towards me with the food with him.

"Are you her fans?" Jungkook looked at the boys as they nodded.

"Oh I'm sorry but K.C needs to rest. She'll give you her autograph next time I promise. She's not feeling well at the moment. Would you please excuse us?"

Jungkook said politely.
The boys slowly nodded with a frown on their faces.

"Get well soon K.C! Hwaiting!"
The boy smiled and went back to their seats.

"Who are they? Who's K.C? And what about my "fans"?" I looked at Jungkook who was biting his lips nervously.

"Y-Y/N-ah.. Its not the time to tell you yet. I'll tell you when it's time okay?"

"Okay.." I slurped on my noodle.

"Yummy!" I exclaimed as Jungkook let out a small chuckle.

Jungkook put me on a wheelchair and we went to the hospital's garden for a walk.

"Oppa, don't you have work to do? Or like hang out with your girlfriend or something? Why are you always here?"
I asked.

"I mean I have work but you're more important to me. And my girlfriend is.. m-my girlfriend is with her friends.. Why? Don't you like me being around you?"
He caressed my hair.

"No, it's not that. I like you being around me."
I smiled.

While we were walking, I saw some people whispering Jungkook's name and K.C? Who's K.C and why is the name so weird?

"Oppa, why are people pointing and whispering at us? They said something like "K.C". Is that a name?"
Jungkook bent down to my level and I whispered in his ear softly.

"I-Its nothing Y/N. Just ignore them."
He shook his head.

He pushed the wheelchair beside a bench and sat down.

(A/N: Y/N ish still on da wheelchair.)

"Y/N-ah, do you know what's a selca?"
He suddenly took out a rectangular thing from his pocket.

"No. What's that thing?" I pointed at the thing.

"Ah it's a phone. We use this to take selcas. Come on, let's take one!" He smiled.

"Look at the top of the screen and smile Y/N."

We both smiled and I can see Jungkook's little bunny teeth.

"You're so beautiful Y/N." He looked at the phone.

"You're so handsome Oppa." We chuckled.

*???'s P.O.V.*
This is going overboard! How dare she take a selca with Jungkook?!

I must get rid of her. I must and I will no matter what.

Just so you wait Jeon Jungkook. Just so you wait. I have to tell this to Ji Eun. She'll be so pissed off.


"I'll make him mine. It may not be today, but it will, just one day."

Sorry if I made any mistakes.

*To Be Continued*

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