Chapter 1

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Note from Author: "I just started writing this book because I was inspired. Please give me comments, and let me know what you think. Motivate me to continue this story. Thank you."

Billionaires' War-Cora Star

Cora Verell

Chapter 1

I stare at myself in the mirror. The blonde hair I wore for the past four years is now a midnight black color. My black dress hugged my curves, but what startled me were my brown eyes. They looked dead. No emotion in them whatsoever. I turned away not wanting to see myself become numb to the fear, and anger, but it was too late. Something in me snapped. How could he? How dare he do this to me after everything I've done for that man.

I close my eyes trying to calm down, but I epically failed. "Everyone get out!" I yell at my team of legal consul. They all rush out the door leaving behind Gregory Bane, my led consul man. "So, he gets to keep 40% of my company? How is that even possible?" I slammed my hands on his desk. "It's my company! I will not sign over my company to him!"

"I understand, but you married him, against advisement may I add, without any forms of prenuptial agreements. So legally speaking, whatever is handed to you within the marriage also belongs to Mr. Blair."

I stand straight letting the humorless laugh escape my lips. "Great so he's taking advantage that my father died so he can get his hands on my money. That piece of shit doesn't deserve anything!" I exclaimed. I didn't care who heard me. I pace back and forth trying to come up with anything that would help my situation, but sadly I couldn't. "Surely, there's a way to fight this, Bane. I'll take him to court if I have to."

"We can take him to court and I'll fight for you, but being honest here, the laws won't change for you." He slides up his glasses making him look older than his 64 years.

"I can't just give him 40% of a company my family has built from the ground up. He has done nothing to deserve that much worth of shares. Do you have a fathom of understanding of this means to me?"

"There is nothing you can do Cora. 40% of Verell Enterprises belongs to him as soon as you sign the divorce papers." He slides my way the pack of papers I refuse to sign. "What we can do is give you half of the worth of the mansion on Palm beach, if you change your mind."

"No." I shake my head. "He can keep that stupid house. I don't care, but the company is a different thing. I can't just hand that to him willingly. If we both have 40% that means we have to work together and agree on anything that goes on there. And Bane, I'm a bitch on comprising, and I will not compromise with that prick." I close my eyes, thinking of every single touch, caress, and words from him. I'm disgusted with that fact on how naïve I truly was. I didn't put the pieces together. His icy blue eyes. The truth was staring at my face the whole time.

I shake my head in defiance. "I can't work with him Bane... I just can't."

"Mrs. Bl-"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Don't you ever call me that. It's Verell. Cora fucking Verell." I emphasize.

"Ms. Verell." He corrected. "The only way you can have complete control on the decisions within Verdell Enterprises is if you somehow acquire the left over 20%, but- "

"Hold on, who has the 20%? Jenkins died six months ago. Who did he hand those shares to?"

"If I'm not mistaken, I believe it's Walter's Jenkins son, Henry." His mask of confusion only enhances his wrinkles. "Why?"

"Okay let's say I sign these divorce papers. Whatever transactions I do now, is there a chance that my ex-husband can claim them later?"

"The divorce papers have not been officially finalized yet. I must fax them over and get them finalized. Mr. Blair may have a right to those shares. If you acquire any major financial assets before the process finishes."

"So I can buy them after you finalize the divorce?" I ask.

"We're in Florida. The laws are mixed here. If you get assets of this amount as soon as the finalization of the divorce settlement, then he could turn around and sue you for half of those shares. He can easily say that you waited until being divorced to gain this assets for withholding financial information that would affect his losses."

"What do you mean by that?"

"20% is still millions of dollars. He can easily take you to court and say that you planned this within the marriage, but didn't act on it because you were in the middle of a divorce and didn't want to give him his share. We would have a high chance of winning because he can't prove that, but there's also a risk that the judge would side with him for the logical reasoning. That's the same thing I would've done for you. I would advise you to lay low financially for a couple of months to a year. You have to make sure you don't purchase anything major to place a red flag on."

"You would've done that for me." I quietly murmured as my thoughts trailed off. I frown at him, making sure I understand the pieces of the puzzle devolving in my head. "If he bought those shares we can sue him for half. And If I win, then we both would have 50/50 of Verell. Which still means he has as much power as me." My thoughts trail off again. I smack my head repeatly. "I am so stupid! How couldn't I think about this before." I turn to Bane. "He's settling for 40% because 20% doesn't belong to him. If either of us buy it we still end up with as much say in anything as the other. It's like co-ownership, but if I get the whole 60% I can easily tumble him down from the CEO title." Of course, he would be three steps ahead of me. What he doesn't know is how easily I can catch up to him and his schemes. "Dial Henry Jenkins. We have to make sure he doesn't sell his shares to Charles."

I let Bane retrieve the contact information. While he dials, I try to come up with a plan. I surely can't buy the shares yet, but I can after a year to make sure Charles Blair doesn't come back and bite me in the ass.

"It's ringing, Ms. Verell." He passes me the phone through a conference call.


"Is this Henry Jenkins?" I answer.

"Yes, and who is this?"

"It's Cora. Cora Verell. I have business to discuss with you."

I was right. Charles spoke to Henry about wanting to buy his shares within the next three months. Fortunately for me, Henry said he wasn't interested in selling just yet. Of course, the only reason why he wasn't interested in selling is because Charles doesn't have the Verell name. Meaning Charles has no power over the company until our divorce is finalized, hence he has no money to afford on the shares. Against Bane's advisement, I went ahead and offered the Jenkin's household 1.7 billion for the shares. And I also made sure that he keeps the deal between us through a nondisclosure agreement. He's smart enough to know that no one would pay shares that are worth under 6 million to what I offered him so he jumped at the opportunity.

I stare at the divorce papers in front of me. "If he thinks for one second I will hand over Verdell Enterprises quietly, then he has another thing coming. I will not rest until I've taken everything from him. I will become his living nightmare. That I can promise him, Bane." I didn't bother to hesitate anymore as I signed away my rights of being married to that bastard. If I could sign his death warrant right now I would have.

Bane retrieves the signed documents. "I will process these right away Ms. Verell." I nod and stand up to leave. "One word of advice, Ms. Verell." I turn around to face the old man. "You should find someone you trust to buy those shares for you. If they are under your name you are risking a great deal."

"Sadly, Bane, there is no one in this world I trust. But fortunately for me there's only one person who wouldn't mind taking control of those shares. Someone whose motivation oversteps mine."


I pinch the bridge of my nose. I can't believe I'm about to say this. "Omer Alsan."

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