Chapter 8

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Marcus found me. Andrea followed shortly. I couldn't feel anything. I just became numb like I always do when I have a breakdown. Vania sure knew what buttons to push to make me loose it.

Andrea had the maintaince crew clean up my mess before sunrise. Marcus made sure any recordings of that night was deleted. They both took me to the hospital calling ahead to avoid press. I just remembered looking straight ahead trying my best not to think about anything. The flashbacks were so painful but to anyone who saw me I looked like a dead woman walking.

According to the doctors I needed to have mutiple stitches on my hands and legs. The rest were minor scratches that would heal on it's own. As I lay on my bed, I can hear the whispers of Andrea and Marcus. They clearly knew what to do. They've done this all before. It takes me three days to recover. The first say is always my meltdown. The second day I become numb and quiet. Very quiet. The third day I just lay down in bed finally taking a Xanax to calm myself down.

Today, it's my third day. I know exactly the moment the prescription takes its effect. It's by the way I feel. The drowsiness, the fatigue, and the paranoia. That's why my two trusted employees stay with me but know to leave me alone. I can't be touched, talked to, or fed. Anything could be a trigger so it's just better to close the door and pretend I'm not even here.

I pull the covers tighter around me, wincing at a stitch getting caught in a thread. Staring straight ahead I think about my dad. He would've never allowed anything to happen to me. I was completely alone and too trusting in fake words. I dug myself deep in their lies for their benefit. Truth be told I'd give my entire fortune if it mean bringing Adam back.

Even as I think about it I know nothing can be done in that respect. I faintly hear my name. And it doesn't sound like either of them. I stand, clinging my robe around me tightly. I walk towards the living room.

...And that's your breaking news. We send our prayers to the Aslans' and hope that Cora will be alright. Now onto Model and actress Ginger...

The tv shut shuts off. Andrea stands with a worried look on her face, not sure as to whether to speak or not. Marcus beside her looks rather collected in comparison.

"I thought NDAs were signed." I stated, surprising myself with how hoarse my voice sounded.

"They were-" Andrea started, but I stopped her.

"I'm going to sleep."

I turned around and walked myself back to my room. I don't have the energy to deal with this. Not today.


My office doors open. "Here's your tea, Mrs. Aslan." My assistant places it right on my desk as I skim through some emails on my laptop.

"You know what Andrea, I would love some Macarons, and a Danish pastry." I take a snip of my tea.

"Right away." She walks out.

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in." I call out. I take a few mintues reading the very last email of budget plans for Hail couture before finally looking up. I groan in annoyance. "Go away Charles."

"I just came to see if you're okay."

"Couldn't be better, now grace me with your absence."

"Cora, can you just talk to me? Stop being stubborn. I'm worried about you."

I slam my laptop closed. "If you can't tell, Mr. Blair, I have a billion dollar company to run. And not only do I not have time to deal with you, but I also do not want to deal with you."

"You're going to have to talk to me one way or another."

"I will, when I'm choking on my own vomit. Now if you excuse me." I motion him towards the doors to leave.

He runs his hand down his face in frustration, takes one long look at me, and leaves. I hear the clicking of heels coming back into my office. Perfect, my snacks are here.

"That was fast, thanks Andrea."

"Before I leave I want to inform you that Mr. Aslan has just landed. He's on his way."

I purse my lips together. Ended his trip early I see. I don't really want to see anyone right now. Plus I already have plans to be somewhere in about half an hour. "Call Marcus, we're leaving. Omer is gonna have to wait. I'm busy."

"I'll email John right away."

"No. No. Let him come. And when he does, tell him he just missed me. If he asks were I went tell him I went to see a friend named Raul."


I picked up my Birkin bag and made my way out the building. I took a seat with a smile on my face. Take that Omer. I know I'm acting childish, but the last thing I need is a headache from hearing him. That man frustrates me to no end.

"Marcus, you know where to go."

"Yes, Mrs. Aslan."

We made a quick stop at the floral shop and continued our way. At arrival, he opened the door for me, then left me to be alone as he always does. I made my way around until I stopped at the three grave sites. My heart fluttered with emotions, but they weren't hurtful. They were blissful. I layed the beautiful blue roses on Adam's stone. Next to him was my mom, and dad.

I miss you all so much. Not a day goes by that I don't remember the good times we shared. One day we will all be together again. I promise. Until then please don't forget how much I love you three.

I kissed Adam's stone. No tears in my eyes. Visiting him brings me a sense of peace. Like  he's right beside squeezing my finger with his tiny hands. No matter what happens in my life I know the joy of loving someone unconditionally. I experienced a truly undying love.

Mommy's baby boy. I will forever love you.

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