Chapter 18

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I woke up feeling refreshed. Omer was busy taking calls back to back. He said he was preparing for our arrival. Chloe slept silently. Really interesting how heavy of a sleeper she is. I tried waking her up mutiple times to no avail.

The sisters didn't bother coming out of the room and for that I was thankful. I tried my best to be entertained with the movie in front of me, but it was useless. I was already getting sick of being on the plane. I didn't realize it would take us sixteen hours to get there and we still have five hours to go. Which is five hours too long for me at the moment.

I noticed Omer getting agitated by the mintue on the phone. Though I couldn't necessarily decipher what he was saying, I knew by the calm tone, but deadly look in his eyes, he wasn't in any good mood.

I let him finish his call. Once he hung up I moved to sit next to him on the sofa. "Everything okay?"

"No." He loosened his tie and folded the sleeves of his dress shirt up. "Everyone here is going to have to stay in my estate for the remaining time of our visit."

"Honestly, I didn't think they were staying elsewhere." I admitted.

"I know how uncomfortable all of this would be for you. I realize that situation I'm putting both of you in." I nod my head in acknowledgement, but I couldn't help the small feeling of disappointment rising in me. He wasn't just trying to make me comfortable, he was also trying to make Veronica comfortable. I know he still cares about her, but having it shoved in your face isn't a good feeling.

Regardless, I shook it off. "It's fine. It may not be ideal, but we have to work with what we got. We're here for your uncle, that's all that matters. Why don't you tell me about him?" Take your mind off things, or better yet, her. I think to myself.

"There's not much to tell. I never saw him. He liked to keep to himself and made it his goal to never be spotlight. The media knew of him, but never could track him down. He made an honest living, not spending a single dime of the Alsan fortune. At least that's what I have been told."

"I would've never guessed. He must have had a good life away from everything."

"I wouldn't know. I just found out that my uncle was close to Veronica's family. He apparently lived in a hut in their neighborhood. Erol being a family friend, was also in contact with him. I didn't know any of this until today."

"So he didn't have a wife or children?"


"If you need my help for anything-"

"Everything's been taken care of."

I nod. I decided to switch the subject. "Omer, yesterday I made a decision. I'm going to be spending alot of time with Chloe. You know there's bound to be questions regarding her presence. I figured it would be best for her if we just play her off as Andrea's assistant. That way no one pokes around too much into her past."

"Did she agree?"

"She did."

"Good. This trip will also serve as a great opportunity for her to see the Aslan's in their native country. If she does agree to be our daughter, she'll inherit most of Turkey."

"Our daughter. That sounds nice. She has a good heart heart you know. Yet she's quick to stand up for herself. I think she'll fit in with us."

"We'll see. She still has alot to learn." He leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees as he runs his hands together in deep thought. "I heard what happened today."

I didn't even pretend to not know what he was talking about. "I figured the secret service you hired would've told you."

"They told me what he said."

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