Chapter 23

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I refused to go downstairs for dinner. I may have invited all of the Veronica Polat clan to stay, but I was far from being in the mood to fake my smile. I did, however, forced Chloe to go, much to her dislike. This was perfect practice for her to learn how to handle situations that require her to be civil instead of lashing out her opinions without any filter.

I laid comfortable on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. My phone rang. I stood up quickly, not hestiating to answer.

"Andrea." I greeted.

"Charges were dropped. NDA was signed and they have been paid."


"He's here."

"Have Marcus stay with him until I get there tommorow. Don't let him out of your sights. Now pass me to him."

There was some shuffling of the phone before I heard his voice. "Cora-"

"Shut the fuck up. You listen to me and listen to me clear Blair." I spit out. "I don't give a fuck about your excuses. You're going to wire two million into my account right now, then you're going to sit your ass down until I come to you tommorow. We'll talk then."


I hung up the phone, cutting him off. I dropped it on the bed. The phone began to ring continuously before I decided to turn it off. I've had about enough of his mistakes.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe before reopening them. I gave my mind a few minutes to relax before I made a decision. I quickly changed into a yellow mini dress that hugged my curves tight. It's giving the sexual appeal I desired to show. I let my hair fall down my back in a mixture of waves. Then I applied some mascara and a nude lip.

There was a glint in my brown eyes when I looked into the mirror. I know I'm the picture of perfection. I was a model, an actress, a business woman and I'll be damned if I hide out in this room while my husband dines with his exs family. It's about time they know who the hell Cora Verdell Alsan is.

I let the click of my heels fill the silence of the halls as I walked with poise. I passed the butler and gave him an order and then continued my way. I stopped just in front of the ceiling high door of the dinning room. Smiling I nodded my permission to the two men to open the door and announce my arrival. All eyes turned to me. I ignored the satisfaction of the unoccupied seat next to Omer. At least they knew how to respect that. I made my way to his side holding his eyes. He stood up like a gentleman and pulled my seat. I took my seat and smiled at our daughter who looked happy to see me.

"I thought you didn't feel well." Omer lied.

I smiled up at him lovingly. Taking his hand on the table. "I feel much better, love. I thought I would surpise you with my presence. I just couldn't see you eating without me afterall."

He didn't show any emotion, but even I could see the hint of suspicion in his eyes. He knew what I was up to. Good. He took my hand and kissed it. "I'm glad." He motioned for the server to bring me a plate. "Chloe suprised us with a unique dinner." Je said.

I raised my eyebrows in delight and turned to her. "You have?"

Chloe smiled back happily. "I thought it would be a good idea to mix Turkish cusine with one of your favorite dishes. So I had them make Manti with a side of Casua Flor. I know you like anything Caviar and Peruvian."

The server place my plate down. And served me a glass of wine. "This looks delicious, Chloe. Thank you." I took a look around the room. Veronica, as always, kept her head hanging low, but the mother was looking at me curiously. I know I didn't need to call Defne to me. So I just spoke to her directly. "I hope you're enjoying your stay in our home." I said.

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