Chapter 10

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My phone was buzzing from the constant text messages being send. I usually never hear from my publicist directly because there's nothing she can't handle, but today was different. It wasn't just from the little scene Omer and I had last night. There were leaks of two photos of Omer and Veronica. One in a loving embrace, and another of them kissing seaside.

My first thought was to debunk them as fakes, just look alikes trying to stir drama. Unfortunately, I knew that wouldn't work. Anyone with working eyes can clearly recognize them. I threw the photos on the floor. To say I was angry was putting it lightly.

"Here's the file you asked for." I took it from Andrea's hands. I quickly skimmed down trying to find the address. "The duffle bag is in the car waiting for you. Marcus is ready whenever you are." I nod. I rushed myself to the car.

During the drive I spoke with my publicist, Tina. She got me as a guest on a daytime show to clear this scandal, and to also promote my collaboration with Francis Couture. I had exactly two hours to get to hair and makeup before going on air. So this stop needed to be quick.

Marcus stopped outside a fairly modest house. I made sure to keep my sunglasses and hat in place so I wouldn't be recognized.
With duffle bag in hand, Marcus knocked on the door. The door opened revealing the woman I currently couldn't stand to look at. It's taking all my will power to even be here. Not bothering with instructions I pushed passed her inside with Marcus at tow. I had no time to watse. It's only a matter of time before the four guards following behind us informed Omer of my whereabouts.

I took off my sunglasses. "Let's make this quick. Shall we, Veronica?" Marcus throws the duffle bag on the ground. She stares at it confused. "That bag contains five million dollars." I explained. "I want you to disappear."

Her eyes widen. She looked at the bag horrified. "I can't leave." She said barley above a whisper.

I took my check book out. "How much?"

"How much?" She repeated. Is she really this naive?

"How much more do you want? Five million, ten? Name your price."

"I don't want your money. I'm sorry for what happened. I'm really-"

I narrowed my eyes at her threateningly, holding my hand up to stop her ranting. "Listen here, Veronica. You can play the part of a good girl when your kissing Omer's ass, but with me, don't. I'm done playing this game, and if you don't leave willingly, I'll make you."

"Did you just threatened my sister?" Dasiy appears out of nowhere.

"Daisy, stop-" Veronica tries to stop her, but she pushes her arm away.

"No, V. She's treating you like a golddigger. She just fucking threatened you. Why don't you fight back?"

Tears filled her eyes. "Just leave it alone." She said in shaky voice.

I laughed. She has the nerve to cry? Her and Omer caused this. "Honestly, why are you even staying at all?" I looked around the house and down at them. "You think showing up at events as Omer's barbie doll is going to make you one of us?" I laughed again. "Please, even if I wasn't in the picture you will never be on our level. You are nothing compared to us. Right now your face is pastered on every tabloid site. You will never get your reputation back in our world. Whereever you go, you'll hear the whispers. And you know why? Because I'm the wife. And no matter what you are to him, you'll only be viewed as just another opportunist trying to break up a home."

She sobbed trying to hold back tears, but failing miserably. Her sister holds her as she glares at me. The door opens and in comes Omer. Great. The anger is radiating from him in waves. "What are you doing here, Verdell?" He took one look at Veronica and I could tell I just hit his soft spot.

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