Chapter 15

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Andrea's words were ringing in my ear. Omer constantly was trying to get my attention throughout the night. Zana was frustrated by my mood. She had to physically shove me onto the runway. I was too distracted to know my cue. Everyone clapped and I got a standing ovation. All the lights, and camera flashes made me think. I was the IT girl. They think I have it all. I didn't.

Andrea was right. I needed help. I was broken trying to fix someone else's life when I couldn't control mine. All the money and power I had wasn't enough to fill that void in my heart. But regardless of my past, I know Chole would be better off with me than in the system. I already felt protective over her. I want her to have opportunities she'll never get if she goes back. She's so much like me. Broken. We can help eachother can't we? I can be a mother again. I can try to be the best I can. Nothing will happen to her. I will make sure of it.

Omer's chauffeur drove me home after my after party appearance. According to him Omer was waiting for me at home. I knew the Blairs have controlled my life for too long. I'll find a way to shove them out completely, but tonight I want to move forward. I want to explore whatever Omer and I have. I want to go get help and be the mother Chole will deserve. Everything is happening so fast. I spend way to much time in the past to see the future right in front of me. I have to give it a chance. I need to.

As soon as the car stopped I got out and ran to the house. "Omer!" I yelled for him. "Omer!" I ran up the stairs to look for him. "Omer!" His bedroom opened.


I shut him up with a kiss and pulled away just as fast. I gave him a half smile and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the room. Sitting down of the bed I knew what I had to do. No more secrets. I told myself.

"I'm going to tell you everything."


I met Charles in college I remember that clearly. I ran into him on my way to class freshmen year.

"Here let me help you with that." He smiled at me while picking up my books from the floor.

He handed them to me with a wink. "Thanks. I'm usually not this uncoordinated." I admitted.

"Well maybe I'll be lucky enough again. I wouldn't mind running into some as beautiful as the sun." He was so charming. What captived me was his piercing blue eyes. Regardless of what he said his eyes just enchanted anyone to him.

I smiled walking away. Giggling like a school girl inside. It was an unknown feeling. Usually people knew who I was, but Charles made it seem like he didn't. I was that blind.

After a few months of constant run ins things got serious. I fell in love with him. I never felt so in tune with anyone else before. It was a dream. We were inseparable. Things were going good for us until my dad found out through some tabloids. He was so mad about it. I never understood why.

"Cora Verdell, you stay away from that boy. You hear me?"

"I can't, Dad. I love him. Just please calm down. Maybe if you meet him-"

"That boy will not be allowed into our home, Cora. I refuse to watch you be taken advantage of by those people. The Blairs are nothing, but power hungry scums. They won't see you more than a dollar sign. Why can't you see that?"

"Charles isn't like that dad. He's sweet. He's everything I've ever wanted. He understands me. Give him a chance. Do it for me."

"The answer is no. If you don't get rid of him, I'll disown you. You can forget about the Verdell name and everything that comes along with it. I mean it Cora. It's him or us."

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