Chapter 28

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The days past like a blur. Day. Night. Day. Night. Omer never left my side. He tried to talk to me, but I just ignored him. He did force me to eat even though I made it clear that I wanted to be left alone. Dr. Robert came to see me and stated the obvious. Nothing was medically wrong with me. I knew that. He knew that. Omer refused that.

He convinced himself that I was a danger to myself. He refused to leave, even taking the the necessary steps to make sure he never left. Not even for a mintue. He had John bring all his things over like my penthouse was some kind of vacation for him. He threw away the flowers that were constantly been send to me. He threw away all the condolence cards sent. He unplugged every single TV and speaker outlet so I wouldn't have to hear the constant reruns of Charles and Coras tragic life. He secluded from the outside world.

The only person I saw beside Omer and Andrea was Chloe. She was very emotional. So emotional She cried herself to sleep. We both laid in bed. I gently got off the bed and started to get ready. I put on black pants and long sleeve cardigan. I just splashed my face with water. I saw no point in wearing makeup. I took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on. I needed them to cover the bags under my eyes.

I walked towards the elevators. "What are you doing?" Omer walked towards me and blocked me from leaving.

"I'm leaving." I stated the obvious.

"No. You need to rest."

I just stared at him coldly. "Move."

"I'm not letting you out of my sight. If you leave, I'll follow you."


"Then no, you're not going anywhere."

I took a step towards him. "Why don't you go follow the yellow brick road with your fucking bitch and leave me the fuck alone."

"I'm never going to leave you. I'm your husband and it's going to stay that way." He emphasized.

"Not for long." I promised. "Move." I ordered.

"You're not going anywhere, Cora. Subhanallah, look at you. You're not okay."

I smiled fakely. "I feel perfectly fine, honey." I giggled to emphaize.

"That's not you."

I dropped my act. "You don't know anything about me. Stop trying so hard to care."

"I do care!"

"Well, I don't anymore. You want to follow me? Fine. Follow me. Just try to keep up, husband."

I dangled my keys around my finger. I felt him close behind me. Too close. I focused my whole mind to my goal for today.

The drive was quiet. I liked it. I drove to the cemetery that I visited my son in. To my unfortunate event, it will now hold Charles as well. I slammed my car door and sauntered towards the group of people.

I saw dozens of people surround the coffin, they prepare to lower it to the ground. Vania is crying hysterically as she hugs the coffin. Her daughter patted her back as she cried as well. My darling sister in law. She's grown so much.

Omer grabs my arm to stop me from going further. "It's better if we go, Cora. This isn't good for you."

I pulled my arm away. "Do me a favor and fuck off."

Vania stood with crazed eyes when she noticed me. "Leave!" She screamed. "Get out of here! How dare you show your face here?"

I took my sunglasses off. "I wouldn't miss your show for the world." I smiled widely.

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