Chapter 5

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I stood there. Just staring at myself through the mirror. I had gone from blonde to black in a blink of an eye, not caring for anyone's opinion. I trusted myself. But it doesn't feel right anymore. If I was to look past everything and everyone. I want to do it as me. I may never be the woman I once was, but I could rebuild my story.

"Are you sure?" My hairstylist Jonathan asks. "I'm really loving this jet black look you got going on." He puts his hands on his hips, emphazing his american flag printed jump suit.

"I'm sure. Let's go back to red." I was born a red head I might as well fight like one too.

"Not that you dont look amazing in anything Cora," He flips his hair, "but black makes you look badass. A total goddess."

"I want to look like me again."

He fans his face drying his fake tears. Then places his hands over his heart dramatically. "You've touched my soul. Say no more."

I felt my phone vibrate. "Hello?" I answered.

"Video recordings have been deleted."

"Thanks Andrea." I disconnected the call. I had to make sure the video of Charles and I's little encounter wouldn't be leaked to the media. I hope it doesn't become a habit of cleaning up mess after mess. That stress could definitely take a toll.


The process from black to red was long and dredful, but well worth it. I felt relief staring at a glimpse of my old self. Back when I was younger my dad used to call him his little fire. My mom would love to play with my hair. I lived a careless world. Though they were mostly distant I did know that they loved me. They showed me from time to time that no matter how far they go they will always come back home.

I miss them. They would've told me what to do. How to leave this all behind. If they were still here I wouldn't have to be tied down to the company. I would've taken off and disappeared.


I made my way towards my office. Today I feel pretty good. I woke up with feeling motivated to start my day. Change is good. Change is needed.

I thank Andrea for the coffee. And sit on my desk. I open the first folder when I hear the commotion outside. 

I press the button on my office phone. "Andrea, what's going on?"

"I don't know."

I frown. I hear a loud bang. I get up, passing Andrea as I make my way towards the circle of workers outside Charles's office. I could hear someone calling out for secruity.

Everyone move aside to let me through. I stopped short on the doorway when I see Charles on the floor holding his face.

Omer is standing tall in front of him. "What is going on here?" I ask him. "Omer?" I ask when he doesn't answer. He ignores me as usual. He grabs Charles by the collar pulling him up and throwing him on top of the desk.

Secruity pushes pass me before apologizing to me. "Ms. Verdell, would you like me to escort him out?"

Omer snaps his attention to glare at the guards. "It's Mrs. Aslan to you and everyone." Omer states. Seriously, now you want to talk?

"No. No. That's my husband." I turn to the crowd behind me. "Shows over. Back to work everyone." I heard the curious whispers of the crowd. I'm predicting tommorow we will have an interesting front page cover with the phones I seen being shoved in pockets.

I turn to secruity. "You're dismissed."

"And Mr. Blair?"

"Mr. Blair can find his own way to a nearby doctor. I surely doubt whatever he got, he didn't deserve."

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