Chapter 16

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I woke up alone on the bed. I'm starting to believe that it's usual for Omer to wake up early. I allow myself a quick shower before searching his closet for something to wear. I really wasn't surprised to find some of my office clothes hung nicely next to his. I just smiled at that.

This man is so sure of himself. He didn't even ask. He assumed I would sleep next to him like a real marriage. It was somewhat satisfying. It really does show his commitment. I opened the first drawer, fishing for some undergarments when I noticed a folded picture. I had a feeling what it was, but I unfolded it anyways. Veronica and Omer. It looks like he was spinning her around, laughing with her. The photographer caught them perfectly. They looked so perfectly engrossed in eachother. Clearly noticing her engagement ring, I make my conclusion that this was one of their engagement photos.

They look so content with eachother, so in love. I put the photo back and slam the drawer shut. I know he must still love her even if he's willing to commit to me. I knew that, but I haven't seen her around. And that thought alone gives me some consolation. I quickly change, letting myself forget her. This is a new begining for me. I shouldn't be stuck on their past. I'm here now.

Regardless, I need to have a conversation with him. I don't want to force myself into his life too soon. I need to give him time, in the mean time I'll work on myself. Making self I looked perfect in my blazer dress, I made my way to the back of the house.

Omer sat at the head of the table. I searched around for Chole. She should be here by now. "She's coming. John picked up a few things for her to wear. I caught her washing her clothes in the kitchen sink last night."

I took my seat next to him. "I completely forgot she didn't have anything. Thanks for taking care of that." I let him pour me some tea.

Before I even took a sip he cleared his throat. "What are planning on doing with her?" He was blunt, but straight to the point. I can respect that.

"I wanted to talk to you about that. I..." How do you tell your husband who you married out of convenience about your plans? "I want to adopt Chloe." I blurt out, really hoping he doesn't freak out on me.

"I figured that much."

I gave him a confused look. "You did? I mean I know it's way too soon, so I thought about fostering her for a while and see if things work out here."

He stopped serving himself and gave me his full attention with narrowed eyes. "What do you mean by that, Verdell? Answer that carefully." Well now it was more noticeable that I'm only called Verdell when he was getting annoyed or angry. I'm called Cora when he completely loses his temper or when he's affirmative. Good thing I'm starting to know his habits.

"I just know that this probably isn't what you envisioned. Because of our marriage, we would both have to legally adopt her. I don't know what plans you had for the future, but I'm infertile. So adoption is the only option I have. I have no qualms about this. I just don't know if you do."

He nods, processing my concerns. "This is most definetly not what I envisioned. In another circumstance, I would refuse. That is until I ran into her last night. We conversed. By the looks of it she's a good girl, a bit too talkative when she's nervous, but good."

"What did you talk about?" I ask curiously.

"She asked about how our life is. Being 'rich as hell' I quote."

I laughed. "What did you say?"

"It has its advanatages." He takes a sip of his tea.

I scoffed. "Way to be vague, Omer."

"Have you thought well about this?" He brushed off my comment. Again straight to the point.

"Yes. I want this. I don't know. I have this attachment to her. I see myself in her. She needs a home. I want children. This could work."

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