Chapter 7

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"One black tea." Andrea places my drink down. "And one Caramel Frappuccino with extra whipped cream." She sets Chloe's down. "Enjoy."

"Thank you, Andrea." I dismiss her with a smile. I take a sip of my tea. Chloe and I  sitting comfortably on the sofa in my office.  "You sure you don't want me to order you anything to eat?" I ask again.

She shakes her head in response. "I'm good. Thanks."

"So," I put my tea down on the center table, "tell me about youself."

"Why?" She asks sucipiously.

"I'm genuinely curious."

She's satisfied with my answer. "I don't know where to start."

"How old are you? Where are you from? Start off there."

"I'm seventeen. Born and raised in Chicago."

"Oh? So, what brought you here to Palm Beach, Florida?"

"I don't know. Just felt right I guess."

"And your parents?"

"I don't have any."

"I'm guessing you live with close relatives then?"

She stops mid sip of her drink, annoyed. "What are you the FBI? Why all the questions?"

"Don't get defensive. Your personality is refreshing. Different. There's just something about you. I can't seem to put my finger on it." I am curious about her. I feel a pull towards her and it is refreshing.

"How about I ask you things?" She interupts my thoughts.

"Go ahead."

"Are you really that famous? Like I heard about you in the club and all, but I never really heard of you before that."

"Really?" I'm surprised by that.

She shakes her head. "Nevermind. It's probably because I'm not a big follower of celebrities."

"That's probably it. I tell you something. When I was younger, in my college years at least, I can't count how many times TMZ posted articles or videos about me. I've had a very... fun life. My dad disproved of it. He used to say, 'Cora one day your going to care about how you're perceived, and by then your reputation will become you.' I didn't know how true that would be to be honest. But he also didn't realize just how hard headed I can get with getting my way."

"So this is your company?" I nod in confirmation. "How old are you? I'm just asking because you look way too young to have something this huge."

"I'm 26. And all of this you see here is because of my family. It's been passed down  for generations."

"So your like rich rich."

"I don't know how much rich rich is, but yes. I am."

"This is so weird."


"You don't act snobby like the others. The old hags I meet at the club make me want to kill myself, relive, just to kill myself over and over again."

I laugh at her wits. "Well, um, alot of those 'old hags' are married into the lifestyle. Once they become accustomed to finer things in life they forget easily who they were."

"And you don't?"

"No. I've always had the finer things in life. I always knew who I was, who I am, and who I will be. There wasn't any drastic change."

"Makes sense. Kind of." She loses herself in her thoughts and then abruptly stands up. "I have to go."

I nod. "Okay."

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