Chapter 19

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I really didn't want to wake up, but I noticed Omer gone. He could at least sleep in with everything he had to do yesterday. He's so structured and deciated to his schedule. I do admire that, but his uncle just died. It wouldn't kill him to take a break.

Pulling the covers off of me I decided to take a shower and prepare myself for the day. I noticed the slight coldness last night, so I opted into wearing a simple long sleeve bodycon dress with an oversize coat. My brown boots  just made the whole outfit pop. I let my straight hair fall on down naturally.

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I yelled as I finished my makeup on the small vanity.

Two women curtsied before me while mumbling their good mornings. "You don't need to do that." I told them. The only time I curtised myself was in front of the royal family. And I am the godmother of a queen so there's that.

"Sultan Aslan, bu sabah kullanılamayacak. Masada onsuz kahvaltı yapmanı istiyor. " The older woman said as she curtised again.

"Mr. Aslan, will not be available this morning. He wants you to have breakfast at the table without him." The younger woman translates. "Mr. Aslan has hired me to follow you around and translate for you. The staff is aware that you do not speak Turkish." She informed.

"Thank you. What are your names?" She translated my question to the other woman before turning back to me.

"Well, my name is Defne, and this is Azra. She will be your personal hand maiden for the remaining if your visit."

I nod."Okay."

Just then Chloe enters the room unannounced. "Look at my clothes! I'm so rocking this look." She twirls around to show me her black and white long sleeve dress with thigh high grey boots. She even straightened her hair.

"You look just like a model." I said.

"I do?" I just nod my head in reassurance. She actually could be a model. She had the figure, the height. I might have to call Zana about this.

Chloe alslmost immediately noticed the two amused women staring at her. "Oh sorry. I don't know any Turkish. But goodmorning." She said and then turned to me. "The lady that went to my room got me all dressed up and everything, but I couldn't understand a word she said."

Defne laughed. "I apologize. I will be translating for you, and Mrs. Aslan. Mr.Aslan figured you would keep eachother company and would not need another translator."

"Makes sense." Chloe said. "By the way, where is he?" She asked looking around.

"Mr. Alsan is currently washing the decreased's body."

Her mouth dropped turning her eyes to me. "Did she just say what I think she said?" I nodded confused as well. "I'm not crazy right?"

The translator laughed again. "It is traditional for any Male decreased to be washed by their male family members one last time to prepare them for burial." We both nod at her like it's normal. Even though we don't find it normal at all. "I will lead you to the breakfast room."

"I think I lost my appetite." Chloe whispered. I couldn't agree with her more.

We walked down the various halls that seems like a much more complicated way than what Omer showed us yesterday.

There were two men at each side of the high double doors. They opened them simultaneously. Another man on the side announced our arrival, Defne explained. The table was long. It had 20 chairs on each side and there was one at each end.

All eyes were on us as we walked towards the end of the table where there were three empty seats. I noticed all three women wearing black head scarfs. Though I couldn't identify the last woman that sat next to Veronica. Defne informed me to sit at the head of the table with a brief explanation why. Apprently as Omer's wife, when he is not present, that seat would have to be filled by me to signify leadership. I didn't question it any further. I didn't want to insult anyone's culture.

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