Chapter 27

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I wanted to run. Run as far as my feet would take me. I wanted to just get up and leave this facade I'm putting on so perfectly well. I wanted to stop being Cora Verdell forever. I wanted the lies, the pain, the disappointment stop already. I wanted the world to stay still and let me breathe.

My wants never mattered though. What matters has always been my picture perfect image of a Verdell. I was greeted by mutiple businessmen and their wives. I knew they didn't appreciate my lack of interest in their small talk, but I the moment I didn't care.

I down another glass of champagne. My forth one of the night. Sadly, it did nothing to me. My alcohol tolerance was always high. I picked up another glass of champagne from the server's tray. I stopped myself from downing it as well when I saw Vania in the far corner of the room. She's surrounded by the six wives. They laugh their hearts out, but her eyes lock into mine. She tilts her head in a greeting and smiled cynically. I choose to ignore her, while downing my current glass.

"If you may please enter the auction room.  The auction will begin in a moment. Thank you." The announcer said.

I put my glass down and made my way to the auction room. I sat on my reserved seat in the front. The seat next to mine is empty. I refused to look at the name plate. I don't even want to hear his name.

"We will now begin." The announcer informed the audience.

I sat quietly with my paddle in hand. Nothing interested me anymore. I just wanted this evening to end already so I could go to my penthouse and sleep my days away. I was trying my best to tune out the announcer, but he voice was almost a screetch it was was hard to ignore. She went on and on about facts that people didn't care for. I rolled my eyes each time a worthless item was sold for millions. It's like no one even did their research. Why would you spend millions on something that hasn't even been authenticated. It's ridiculous.

When the announcer mentioned my name, I snapped out of my thoughts, and listened closely. "Thank you so much for this masterpiece." She finished. Everyone clapped. Masterpiece? Did Andrea donate something in my behalf? I shrugged it off. She probably did. I smiled a my companions  and continued to look forward.

The heavy canvas was carried onto the small stage. The brown wool fabric covered it from everyones else. I could see people leaning forward with curiosity. What did the great Verdell give away? It could be a rock from the sidewalk and these people would probably find value in it.

She lifted the cover and my heart stood still for that moment. That, that painting. My hands began to shake. The gold prints blended in perfectly well with the swirls. My mind flashbacks to that day.

I carried him in my arms. I wet his tiny hands with gold paint. I pressed his prints onto the canvas and then used his fingers to create swirls.

"A circle never ends. Once your home, baby, you'll see this top of your bed. Mommy, is going to put it there so you can see the circles that never end." I kissed his forehead. "Mommy loves you, Adam."

Mommy loves you, Adam.

Mommy loves you, Adam.

Mommy loves you, Adam...


I couldn't take my eyes off of it. That's the canvas I made with our hand prints. My son and I. I felt the tears well up, but I tried my best to push them back. My lip trembled as I held my head even higher, not blinking for a second.

Billionaires' War (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें