Chapter 24

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I heard the beeps ringing in my ear. My eyes felt so heavy, but I opened them anyways. The light slightly burned my eyes. I heard a gasp from my side.

"Cora. Can you hear me?" Andrea's panicky voice was too loud for my liking.

"Y-yes." My voice came out raspy.

"I'll go get the doctor." I heard the door close.

I squinted my eyes until they adjusted to the brightness of the room. I looked around to find myself in a hospital suite. Just my luck. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't physically. My head felt too heavy and restraint. I touched my head to find a couple of paddings on it. It's probably gazes. I remember bleeding. That's probably why.

Dr. Robert entered the room with a genuine smile. I groaned. "Don't you get tired being so happy all the time?" I asked annoyed.

"Not when I get to see my favorite patient." Or the highest paying one to be exact. "You're hardheaded there. Not that I haven't notice already." His attempt at a joke was far from funny. He continued, noticing my lack of amusement. "Well, we did a CT scan as soon as you came in. It showed no sign of hemorrhage on the brain. The impact was hard enough to give you a concussion, but not enough to fracture your skull. We did how ever give you two stitches on each cut. You have two cuts on each side. Right now you are in no danger. but we still have to keep you overnight just for observation and to make sure you rest. If you feel any discomfort, just press the red button on the remote and someone will come assist you."

"Thanks, Doctor." He just nodded before exiting the room, leaving me alone with Andrea.

"We have evacuated the whole floor for you as you have always requested."

"Perfect." I push the button to sit the bed up.  "Were there any nosy daisy's?" I asked her, very aware of the people who love to make a quick buck off of tragedies.

"One patient took a couple of pictures of you, but we handled it."

"Okay." I closed my eyes trying my best to take my mind off of the fact that I'm in a hospital. I hate hospitals.

"Also, your husband landed about twenty mintues ago. He should be here any moment."

My eyes snapped open and I narrowed them at her. "You told him?" It came out louder than expected.

"Yes. I did. Reporters and paparazzi captured the whole thing. They are even outside waiting for any current update they could publish. He was bound to find out."

I pulled the IV off of me. I proceeded to yank at the bandages on my head. She did her best to restraint me, but I was panicking. "Get me out of here right now, Andrea."

She shook her head. "I can't. I'm sorry. He ordered the guards to be outside your door. There's no way out. He knew you would find a way to escape."

I stopped fighting. I realized that with the guards I wouldn't get far. "Get out." I ordered her.

"I'm sorry." She said before exiting the room. Moments later the nurse came in and reapplied everything I took off. When she asked if I needed anything else, I simply told her I wanted zero visitors especially from my husband. She made a mental note of it and said she would let the staff know.

The beating of the monitor was drowning the sound of my heart. I did my best to calm down, but I couldn't. My hands are shaking. My heart is racing. I'm becoming sweaty by the mintue. I'm on the verge of a panic attack. I don't just hate hospitals. I fear them. The four walls seemed like they were closing in on me. I closed my eyes and controlled my breathing. I could feel the tears slip down my face.

Billionaires' War (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz