Chapter 25

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It was true. The question still rang in my head, but I knew it was true. When I asked Omer about the merge of our companies he made it very clear that it wouldn't happen until Charles Blair was completely out of the company for good. I understood that, but that just made me even more motivated to get Charles out. I've been delaying it far enough. The issue I had was how.

Marcus opened my car door. I ignored the paparazzi cameras, that I knew had been stalking my office for the whole week. I was forced to take recovery time per Omer's orders. It wasn't so bad. It made us spend time together. We were becoming more as a couple per day.

"Mrs. Aslan, welcome back." The receptionist greeted me. I couldn't remember her name.

"Thank you." I said back walking pass her desk.

"Um, Mrs. Alsan?" She called out.

I turned around and raised my eyebrow at her in question. "Yes?"

She seemed nervous. Her eyes moved towards the lobby. I followed her eyes and found Vania seated. "She's on the restricted list, but she refused to leave without talking to you. I can have secruity escort her out if you'd like."

I raised my hand and waved her concerns away. "It's fine. I'll handle this."

"Mrs. Aslan." Marcus warned.

"I said, I'll handle it, Marcus." I pushed pass him.

Vania stood up, clutching a piece of paper in her hand.

I just eyed it, then her. "You have some nerve coming here, Vania."

She held the piece of paper up. "What is the meaning of this?" She asked with burning eyes.

"Well, I don't know. You came here with it, so you tell me."

"How dare you put a restraining order on my son after what your barbaric husband did to him?"

I pretended to know she was talking about, but I honestly didn't. Restraining order? I never signed... Omer. Of course. That is the only logical explanation. "Look Vania, I suggest you leave right now. Whatever problems you have, you can talk to the cops or my lawyer. I have no time to hear you."

"Because of you he is not allowed to come into work. He's a shareholder. He has the right to come and go as he pleases. Lift the order now."

"Oh, Vania. I wish I could help you. Really, I do, but it just so seems that my head can't function properly from all of your bullshit."

She frowned at that. "For the attack, and this order, I will make you pay. You will wish you would have cooperated with me. I promise you. You will regret this. No one crosses me."

"What are you going to do? Kill me or sent someone to do it?"

She took a step toward me with hateful eyes. "There are worst things than death. Remember that." She turned around, putting on her sunglasses, and left the building. I could see the paparazzi shoving their cameras in front of her.

I turned around. I made my way into the elevator to my floor and into my office. I took my seat and frowned at the thought. Vania never made empty threats. It wasn't in her nature. There was a small hope in that. If she slipped up and gave any form of evidence of her criminal side that could work in my favor, I'll be glad to be the target.

"Marcus. Have the investigators follow Vania Blair around. They have to find something this time."

He nodded and left to make the calls.

Andrea entered with a mug of tea in hand and my anxiety meds in another. "Mr. Aslan, ordered me to take a video of you taking this." She handed them to me. She pulled out her phone and began recording. I rolled my eyes at the camera and took it, making it very dramatic for him to see. Once she finished recording she typed away before giving me her full attention. "Board members wanted an emergency meeting. They are waiting in the conference room."

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