Chapter 33

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Cora! Over here!

Can you tell us where you were all this time?

Omer! Is it true there was a bomb in your private jet?

Cora, why did you try to kill yourself?

Is is because of the death of your son and ex-husband?

I was shoved a little too roughly into the car by my overprotective husband. Omer didn't appreciate the invasive questions the reporters kept throwing at us. They couldn't respect our boundaries. He probably thinks it'll be a trigger for me. We haven't had any alone time in the office for me to reassure him.

I saw my brother follow Andrea to the car behind us much to her dismay. I don't know what exactly happened between them, but I'll find out soon enough. A cop waved us forward. With all the black SUVs and cops driving in front an behind us you would think we were on a hit list watch. Omer pull all the stops for secruity. The worried look on his face tugged at my heart. He was on high alert throughout the whole ride.

I was helped out of the car when we stopped just in front of the mansion doors. Omer grabbed my hand and led me inside. I struggled to keep up. I know I have alot of explaining to do.

"Devine, will show you to your rooms." He announce when we passed the doorway. The butler greeted the guests. This is the first time I've seen him. I couldn't even contemplate longer because Omer was dragging me up the stairs. He pulled me into our room and then turned around and locked it. His back was turned to me. It look like he was trying to calm himself down.

"Look I know you're mad-"

He turned around with dark eyes. "Mad doesn't even begin to cover it, Verdell." There it is. My pen name when he's mad.

"I couldn't tell you anything. I'm sorry."

"You knew what she was capable of all along! You were out in the open for her to take, but I didn't know that because you didn't tell me what was wrong! She could've killed you." He closed his eyes.

"This isn't about what she did to our parents. This is about what she could've done to me." I stated. He opened his eyes and gave me a regretful look.

"Everything you told me. Everything she did to you. She could've killed you all along. I left you in that institution where she could've gotten to you."

I placed my hand on his cheek. "Stop." I ordered him. "Stop blaming yourself. Nothing happened to me. I'm not the one she's after anymore. She's hurt and acting on impulse now. It's clouding her judgement. The cops will arrest her and everything will be over."

He crushed me into a hug I didn't even see coming. "I missed you." He admitted.

"I did too. Andrea told me about the recordings. You were watching my sessions."

"I wanted to know how everything was going. I wanted to make sure you were getting better."

"I know. I don't blame you for putting me there, Omer. I know why you did it. And I promise you that I'm going to continue to see Dr. Miller. I feel fine now, but he did point out some things I needed to work on and I will from home. I don't want to be away from you anymore."

"I know." His lips pressed to mine gently. It quickly turned into passion, but I pushed him away before it went any further.

"I'm sorry. I just-"

"It's okay. It's been a crazy day. Let's get some sleep."

"Yeah. I feel so tired." I quickly got out of my dress, shoes and jumped into bed. He wrapped his arms around me as I settled on him comfortably. "You're going to shave after all this is over."

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