The Story of the Legend Chapter 11

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Su Hyun was listening to the conversation from across the room, sitting at the bar, and watching the two of them. He wanted to keep a close eye on Ji-Su and figure out what she was after.

"I never knew that about Amari." He thought. "She's been through a lot." He thought again. Thinking about what Sung Ki did to her made him angry and had his eyes flash golden, before quickly turning back to brown before anyone noticed. "If I ever meet that guy..." Su Hyun thought, before focusing back on Ji-Su. "Why the sudden interested in Amari's past affairs?" He thought. "What are you up to?"

After work that day, Amari was going to take a bus to get to Su Hyun's house, but Su Hyun drove up to her in his car, honking for her to get in. Amari was startled as she jumped, before looking at Su Hyun.

"Might as well take you to my house myself." He told her, adjusting the sunglasses on his face.

Amari looked around, making sure nobody from work was witnessing this, but to her dismay, the two girls from earlier were walking out as Amari got in the front seat of his car. Amari sunk low, trying to hide from them, but it was too late. They had already seen her.
"Damn it." She cursed underneath her breath as she watched those to whisper to each other while looking at her.

Su Hyun chuckled at Amari, before driving off to his house. Amari knows that there is going to be a rumor around work that her and Su Hyun are together. She knows it.

After arriving at Su Hyun's house, Amari was led downstairs into another, a much larger room that was remodeled to look like an exercise/sparring area. You have weights of all kinds to make all parts of your body fit; you have punching bags of different weights ranging from lightweight to heavyweight, you have a jogging/running track that circles the edges of the whole area, a treadmill, and elliptical machines. It was so impressive that Amari stared in awe.

"You like?" Su Hyun asked as he grinned at Amari's expression.


"Thanks." Su Hyun said, throwing Amari some spare clothes. "Put those on. It would be much easier to train in than the clothes you're currently wearing". Su Hyun told her, motioning his hands up and down as he mentioned her outfit.

Amari's outfit consisted of a beautiful blouse, skinny black jeans, and wedged heels. Amari immediately caught the gear and stared at it, before running into the bathroom in the far corner of the basement to change.
Su Hyun undid his tie, taking it off entirely and throwing it on the sofa sleeper. He undressed and changed into a loose tank and basketball shorts. He positioned himself on the mat located in the center of the room that was meant for sparring only.

Amari came out in a crop top that was meant to be an ordinary lengthen shirt but unfortunately fitted as a crop top and some shorts that matched like short shorts. She let her hair down from the bun that it was always in because of work and placed the ponytail holder on her arm.

Su Hyun couldn't take his eyes off her as he watched her walk out of his bathroom, taking down her hair, shaking her head, letting her curly hair fall to her shoulders and running her hands through it, combing out the knots.

Amari looked at him, placing a hand on her hips as she waited for him to come back to reality.

"You alright?" She asked as she walked over to him, snapping him from his gaze.

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