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Dedication to Kikikool625 because she has been awesome commenting on my chapters :) Okay, I've finally got around to it, I'm starting to edit the chapters!!! What, like... four years later? I don't remember when this was first published! PLEASE bear with me, this may take a while for me to complete editing, there will most likely be more plot holes and stuff as I change bits in the earlier chapters. I will do my best to be quick with it. 

Thank you so much for your support! Enjoy the book!

I stumble through the unfamiliar forest. Feet constantly colliding with roots. Or at least, what I assumed were roots.  

A bird calls to my right, making me jump.

I shrug it off and force my feet to move. I need to find somewhere to rest for a while. I'm exhausted and hungry and injured.

I know I can't keep going for ever. Please say there's civilisation nearby. 

Suddenly my knees give out. I collapse on the ground, my face in the soft grass.

I drag my body up and pull myself into a sitting position. 

Tears of exhaustion start to leak out of my eyes. I push them back furiously.

"Hey! Kiba fight me!" A voice yells excitedly.

I sit upright, panic and fear spreading through me.

I push myself up, ignoring the pain in my legs and stomach. 

"No you baka! Leave me alone!"  Somebody shouts.

I hear rustling just ahead and I think they spot me because they stop talking.

I take a small step back, scared. Who are these people? Would they hurt me? Help me?

"I-Uh, Are you alright?" One asks, his voice sounds confused.

Well they hadn't attacked me yet, so that's a good sign. 

I shake my head, tears threatening again.

"Who are you?" Another asks.

"I don't know." I reply quietly. My legs feel weak again so I drop to my knees. 

"Where are you from?" A third asks, I hear a packet rustling, some kind of food.

I shrug limply, "I'm not sure. Am I near a city?" I ask.

"Um, I think you need a hospital." The one with the puppy mumbles.

"Why are your eyes covered up?" The one who is eating asks.

"Personal reasons." I say quietly. Touching the black material wrapped around my eyes.

I feel my stomach lightly with my hands, but pull away sharply when intense pain threatens to knock me out. My hands feel sticky and wet. Blood has soaked most of my top and is still dripping out.

Tears escape my eyes this time, I start to panic, "Oh god. I only remember being cut, not that deep though. Only a light cut, only grazed my skin, It didn't go that deep..." I trail off confused and light headed.

"Come, we'll take you to the hospital." The first voice says, getting closer he  lifts me carefully.I flinch at the contact.

"Naruto, hold Akamaru." The boy hisses. "Akamaru is my puppy," He explains to me.

They carry me for some time, I assume through the forest although I couldn't say which direction.

As we walk further I start to hear the chatter of many people. I guessed we were approaching a village or town.

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