Naruto VS Deidara

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Aisu is (Still genin, like Naruto) 16 

Aimi is (Chunin) 15

Nami is (Jounin) 18

Taiki is (Jounin) 16

Just thought, you'd like to know! 


I woke to air blowing past me.

"You awake?" Deidara's voice asked.

"Y-yeah." I answered and sat up. My mind was all fuzzy and I couldn't concentrate very well.

I heard some yelling, behind me and instantly checked the Chakra.

Naruto was behind us, followed by Nami, Aimi and Taiki. Kakashi was right behind them.

I almost sighed in relief, "Why did Sasori tell you to take me?" I asked, irritated.

"I don't know how his mind works. Probably because he had Amaya and Akemi to help him and didn't want to have to make sure you didn't run off." He grumbled to himself about laziness.

I pulled my legs up to me and my hands behind me.

"Don't. Please. I don't want to have to catch you and risk those lot getting me." Deidara snapped.

I ignored him and pushed myself off the bird, backwards.

He expected me to listen and growled when I fell. 

I tumbled down, air whipping my hair back. Suddenly the fall stopped. Someone had caught me.

"You ok?" Kakashi asked.

I nodded, "Thank you." He put me down and sighed, "Boy have you grown." 

"Aisu! Aisu! Aisu! Aisu!" I was suddenly attacked by a small body. "Your ok, right?" 

"Yeah, I've missed you Aimi!" I hugged her back.

"Let's go! Gaara is still up there." Naruto growled.

"Hm... the Akatsuki member seems to be hesitant to carry on. Mei, I think you better be careful." Kakashi said lazily. I hugged Nami and Taiki as well quickly.

"Can we go now?" Naruto grumbled.

"Now that Mei is safe, we can attack without risk of harming her." Nami said. 

I felt Deidara move forward again, and we followed. Keeping on his tail Charkra surged next to me from Kakashi.

"Mangekyou Sharingan." Nami whispered to herself, sounding shocked.

The world seemed to tilt, the air felt all scrunched up and my insides felt tight. It was as if Kakashi's Sharingan was trying to suck something out of the air, twisting it and making it vanish completely from this world.

"What's happening?" I asked, my mind was a mess, so many feelings and confusion swirled.

"The air... The Akatsuki member... it's swirling." Aimi stuttered, she also sounded mixed up and confused.

Suddenly it stopped, and I heared gasping from Kakashi, "Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah it... it just takes a lot of Chakra because the Sharingan isn't originally mine." He mumbled, then sucked in a breath.

The strange feeling came back, the tightness and swirling. Then it was gone again.

"What is that technique?" Naruto asked.

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