The Bell Test

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2017 - Edited

I can't actually remember how most of this goes so forgive me if I get it wrong :P Btw the songs I put in the side are worth listening to, the first two I like them (From Elfen Lied and Death Note) This one is AMAZING!!!!!!! LISTEN TO IT!! :) Dedication to MonsterxNinja for reading and commenting loads :)

I'd got up extra early this morning to escape the house before Kakashi woke up. I had left a note of course, I didn't want him panicking. I am now trying to find Kiba's house without falling over. I have the book in my arms and am struggling to see.

"Hello, why are you up so early?" 

I turn to face where I think the figure is, "Um... well, I was trying to find Kiba Inuzuka's house..." I say hopefully.

"I'll take you." The person starts to walk away. I follow after the footsteps as quickly as I can.

"Why do you need that boy?" The person asks.

"Well, I found this book about something he might like." I reply, slightly curious about who this person was. Should I have trusted them so quickly?

"Hm well Kiba isn't that smart, why would he need a book about sight?" The person asks, their voice void of emotion.

"It's something we were talking about yesterday... I read the book and saw something that related to our conversation." I say, praying that it worked.

"You read the book? Is it good?" 

Oh god. Who is this person?

"Yeah... quite interesting." I reply.

The person stops suddenly, "Tell me, do you know my name? I don't believe we have met in person before, I have seen you around at the academy though."

"No, I am sorry. My name is Mei." I say.

"I am Shino Aburame. May I help you with your problem? I don't believe the story you told me." He asks.

"Uh, no not really." I say.

"Now I don't believe many have noticed but I did straight away, you walk strangely, and stumble a lot also you have no reactions to most things, I pulled out a Kunai twice. You did nothing. My guess is that you don't wear that blindfold for fun."Shino says.

I scowl. "Why would I wear this ratty thing for fun? Do you think I chose to be the way I am? It isn't any of your business, I only just met you so why should I ask you for help when I could ask my friend?" I snap.


I sigh, "I'm sorry Shino, my sight is very limited. I still haven't quite accepted it." I say.

"I understand. I am on Kiba's team, although he's friendly, he isn't the brightest he might not understand your reasons. May I help?" He asks.

I paused, unsure if I should explain fully. Finally I shoved the book towards him and feel him take it.  "It's the Portabijon. A technique that I was told could be dangerous and kinda difficult. I wish to perform it." I say.

I hear the pages turning.

"Well it does sound difficult. Restoring your eyesight though, I can understand. Are you sure you're capable of doing this?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Well do you really believe you should see? Your are blind correct?" 

I nod slowly, "What do you mean?"

"Well if it is this dangerous, and a lot could go wrong, is it worth risking it?"

"I wish to see." I growl, "That is all I want from this world." 

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