The Effects of Murder

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Ok it will now start to connect with my friends story in the next few chapters I'll introduce her character! Read her story to understand her bakcground (The stories aren't connected before shippuden)!! :D The link to hers is in the external link 

"How long is she gonna be out? I'm bored, un." 

"She is awake now."

I sit up, "Where am I?"

"In our organization hideout, un." A voice replied, Deidara?

"You said your organization was for peace, why do you have a hideout? Why not just a base?" I ask and swing my legs over the edge of the hard bed I'm sitting on.

"Careful, you aren't completely better." Sasori?

"Well who's fault is that?" I growl in reply. 

"Ha sorry bout that, but what Leader-sama wants, he gets." Deidara replies.

"You seem well enough, Deidara, show her around."

"Right. HEY! Stop telling me what to do, un!" 

"Just get out of here." 

Deidara grabs hold of my arms and pulls me up and forward.

Sasori's Chakra stays behind in the room, as I'm dragged away.

"Where are we going?"

"I'll take you to Leader-sama." Deidara replies.


"You'll see. There are nine of us."

"How are you going to get world peace with just nine of you?"

"I... I dunno, it's up to leader-sama to sort it all out really, he gives us missions."

"What sort of missions?" I ask.

He doesn't reply, when he does though he sounds reluctant.

"Um... you'll find out soon." Of course, now I'm suspicious.

He suddenly stops, making me stumble.

"Mei, this is Kisame and Itachi, un" Deidara says.

"You should learnn to actually fight." Itachi says.

"Why do we have a kid here?" The other one, Kisame says.

"Leader-sama wanted her to join." Deidara replieds sharply.

"Right. Well bye. Deidara, Kid. See ya later." Kisame says and leaves with Itachi.

Deidara pulls me along again for about a minute before stopping.

I hear him knock on something wooden.


I'm pulled forward again.

"Deidara, this is her I presume?" A emotionless voice asks.

"Yes Leader-sama, Mei, or Aisu."

"Her name is Aisu, she will be called by her name." 

"Yes Leader-sama."

I almost laugh at Deidara's sudden obedience.

"Deidara, you have a mission with Sasori first thing tomorrow. Take Aisu with you, show her what our... 'organization' does." Leader says.

"Ok, should I show her everything?"

"Yes." He replies.

I scrunch up my face in confusion. So it's obvious they are hiding something, probably something that might make me want to leave, concidering that they didn't tell me earlier.

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