The Third Chunin Exams

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Ok this deviates from the actual story line a bit, but oh well :L

Also I probably got some of the order wrong in the third Chunin exam but I am too lazy to check.


It's been almost a month of training and getting to know my siblings.

I can now use my Kifurizu easily with my blindfold on.

The Kiido though, I have to take it off which I refused to do mulitple times.

So I can use both, just one better than the other.

 Now sitting in Kakashi's kitchen while he tries to make lunch, I am asking him random questions.

"Why was I allowed to become a ninja straight away without taking the test?" I ask.

"You'd have to ask the Hokage." He replied.

"Why have you been so busy recently?"





"The Chunin exams."

"Yeah, but why not Naruto?"

"He has a different trainer."



"Who's that?"

"One of the legendary sannin, Jiraiya the toad sage."

"Never heard of him."

"Do you want cheese on your sandwhich?"

"Why would I want cheese on ham?"

"It tastes nice."

"I doubt that, where has Sakura been recently?"

"Training I think."

"With who?"

"I'm not sure."



"Why don't you know who Sakura is training with? She's your student."

"I think she's training on her own with Taijutsu or Ninjutsu."



"What are your books about?"

"Nothing interesting." His voice says the opposite.

"I don't believe you."

"Well you should."

"What are they about?"

"Adult stuff."

"Are they boring?"

"NO!" He yells.

"So they are interesting then?"

"Not for people your age." He grumbles.

"Why wont you tell me? OH! Wait! Are they rude?"

He doesn't reply.

I laugh, "Your gross Kakashi sensei." 

"Eat." He places something in front of me.

I eat slowly, thinking of what to do for the rest of the day.

"I'm going now. I'll see you later. Try not to get into trouble." He says with a sigh.

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