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Heya, I just checked back on my chapters for reference stuff so I didn;t mess something up, but I can't find the chapter I was looking for. I think it was called capturing the one-tails or something similar, it was the chapter where Mei and Deidara go to get Gaara and Mei meets Akemi and Amaya for the first time. I guess I must have deleted that chapter by accident, and I'm really sorry! But i have no idea how to add a chapter there, it only lets me put one at the end of the list.

So in the chapter, all that really happens is that Mei falls of Dei's bird and tries to run, but is cornered by Akemi who is the cousin of Amaya who are Gaara's body guards. Mei fights Akemi and knocks him out by stealing his chakra using Kiido, Sasori finds her and then Dei catches up and it goes back to the main story in the next chapter


I was unconcious for the next few hours, no matter how hard I had tried to stay awake, my body was not agreeing.

When I woke, I was on Kakashi's back hot air brushed past my face and dried my mouth.

"Where are we?" I croaked. My voice was raspy and dry.

"The Hidden Sand." Kakashi answered, "You woke up just in time, we just arrived."

I suddenly realised how many different Chakras therre were behind and around us. Kakashi was also being supported by Guy-sensei while carrying me. Next to us was Naruto and behind him was Nami, Aimi and Taiki.

"Is that...Gaara?" I asked.

"Yes." Kakashi replied.

I shut up, planning to question him later. 

In front of us too, many more Chakras waited. I guessed that that was the Hidden Sand.

Suddenly there was an uproar of cheering and yelling from in front of us. Hundreds of people yelling for their Kazekage.

"That's some homecoming."  Said the person beside Gaara.

"Wow." Naruto gasped.

"There's so many people!" I heard Lee say.

"That's what I'd expect for the Kazekage." Neji commented.

The crowds surged forward, surrounding Gaara and Naruto.

One man stepped forward and greeted the Kazekage and thanked Naruto.

The crowds moved back, clearing a path to the Hidden Sand for Gaara.

"Let's go." Naruto said, and him and the other boy started forward.

"Wait." Gaara said, "Let her go first."

I felt around for the Chakra of the person who he ment but found no Chakra where he was indicating.

"That's right." A girl said.

Six people walked forward, including Sakura.

"That is Granny Chiyo, one of the elders of the Hidden Sand who gave her life to bring Gaara back." Kakashi explained to me.

I bowed my head.

"Put your last respects to Elder Chiyo, pray silently." A voice rung out.


We stood in an office, the Kazekage's as I had been told and bid farewell to the Kazekage and his siblings who I had found out were the boy helping Naruto and the girl who had said "That's right." Kankuro, and Temari.

I zoned out, ignoring the conversation between the Hidden sand and the Hidden leaf nin.

I was walking on my own finaly, still it was a struggle. I hadn't really used my legs for the past three years, and I felt exhausted for walking more than half an hour.

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