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The song relates to what Mei is thinking, kind of dreamy not believe what happened to her, in her own world and not relating to others very well. She misses her family and has basically closed herself off.

From now on I'll try putting my friends story into the external link, it's linked to the beggining of her story but It isn't hard to get to the chapter you want, it isn't linked before shippuden!!! Remember that!!! They only join when it get's to Gaara's kidnapping :) Akemi and Amaya are y friends OCs


Sasori pulls me up from the floor.

My weak legs verge on colapsing, but I stay standing.

"We're leaving now, make sure you have every- wait, never mind. Let's go." Deidara says, his voice strained.

I silently follow the Akatsuki members out of my cell and through tunnels.

The whole journee is just walking through trees, Deidara tries and fails to make conversations with Sasori and me, Sasori ignores him, I just stare blankly at him or at the ground.

All my thoughts now consist of ways to escape, none work. All have flaws, ways of being caught again.

By the time we get to a desert the air is cool, the outlines of things are faint. The moon must be high by now.

I trail behind Sasori, Deidara walking silently and confidently ahead.

It doesn't take too long to see the Hidden Sand, although being made of sand and sand coloured materials, it makes it harder to see.

"Sasori, I'll get the bo-beast." Deidara announced.

I don't dwell on the fact that he had almost said something else.

"Don't keep me waiting." Is Sasori's reply.

They wait for a minute, silent, probably exchanging silent words.

"Right, Mei go with Deidara." Sasori says.

I sense him pull Chakra to his hands, forming a clay bird that expands.

He pulls me up onto the bird silently.

He stays standing while I sit.

The bird lifts up, the air starting to blow my hair around.

I feel the bird rising higher, then moving over the Hidden Sand.

"Hold on, I'll probably have to fight the uh... beast." Deidara mumbles.

I sense faint Chakras below, people sleeping.

The bird flies lower, Deidara moves slightly, searching.

I keep quiet about the approaching Chakra.

It's strong, very strong and it's waiting for us.

Deidara jumps down off the bird, pulling me with him, we land on a building.

"That's as far as you go." A cold emotionless voice says.

I can tell that Deidara is slightly surprised about the boy appearing out of nowhere, I'm not though.

"Why didn't you say? I know you can sense Chakra." Deidara whispered in my ear.

I feel Deidara reaching for his clay, "Get his guard." He whispers.

Suddenly the boy infront pulls Chara to himself making something move towards us very fast.

Deidara pushes me out of the way and leaps up onto the bird.

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