Mei's Childhood Memories

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Some stuff that she remembered while being in the Akatsuki. Hope you like :) I WILL UPDATE ORE INTO THIS ASAP, my dad is dragging me off my laptop, sorry!!!!


~No. 1~ School days

"Come on Aisu!" A voice called impatiently.

"I'm comming!" A high pitched voice answered.

A girl no older than twelve stood, tapping her foot against a wooden step.

She had red-ish brown hair lose over her shoulders and wore a jumper with a hood that had ears on, she wore a brown skirt with two belts and long dark socks up to her knees.

She had bright blue eyes that observed everything calmly and three small blue dots under her left eye that symbolised her clan.

Suddenly a younger girl around the age of nine stumbled out of the door of a large house, and landed in a pile at the base of the step that the older girl stood impatiently on.

"Took you long enough, where's Aimi?" The older girl questioned.

Aisu sat up and looked aorund, slightly dazed, "I don't know, Nami. Probably waiting for us somewhere."

Nami sighed, "Aimi!" She called, "Come on! We'll be late!"

The girls heared a noise and froze.

There it was again.

Almost like... laughter!

They glanced up sharply, their expressions guarded, but then relaxed.

A younger girl, Aimi, at the age of eight laughed down at her older sisters from her position under the roof of the porch.

She had her arms and legs spread out, holding the beams of wood and keeping her from falling, but she showed no sign of discomfort or strain, she just laughed at her sister's expressions.

Nami rolled her eyes, "You'll never be a good ninja if you mess around all the time, Aimi." She scolded.

Aimi dropped down next to Aisu and helped her up while grinning.

"I think she'll be a great ninja! She managed to get up there all by her self!" Aisu exclaimed hugging her sister.

Aimi had hair of a more copper red, and half was tied in a bun on top of her head. Her eyes were the same bright blue as Nami's and she had the same three blue dots under her eye.

She wore dark grey leggings, wrapping around her middle and a wrap around navy top.

Her sister, Aisu had hair that was the colour of a red rose, her eyes still the same colour and she still had the same blue dots. She wore a light blue wrap around dress with grey baggy trousers and a dark piece of cloth around her middle and over one shoulder.

"Let's get going or we'll be late again." Nami said while walking away.

Aimi and Aisu both leaped after their sister, rushing to catch up.

They walked in silence through a town, houses lining each side of the road. Not many people were around.

The girls arrived at their destination. School.

Nami waved weakly to her sisters before walking into school grounds and joining her friends.

"Aisu? Can I stay with you?" Aimi pleaded.

Aisu made a show of being annoyed at this - although she really was'nt, "Oh do you have to?" She sighed, while trying to roll her eyes.

"Yes, yes! I do! Nobody likes me in my class! Why can't I be in yours?"

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