Zabuza and Haku

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2017 - Edited 

Cold water shocks me awake, instantly soaking my clothes and the bedding, I sit up gasping.

"Hey, nice to see your awake. I tried opening the curtains... but yeah, you didn't notice..." Kakashi's voice sounds so innocent.

"Kakashi! What was that for?!" I yell and stand up on the drenched bed. I sighed internally, this would take forever to dry.

"I needed to wake you up. We need to have a chat."

"Huh? You couldn't have just shaken me? Or called me?" I snarled.

I stepped down onto the floor, "You're sorting out that bed." I grumble. 

"Yeah yeah, get dressed, we need to talk." He leaves the room.

I dress quickly and go downstairs, my mood sour. That whole thing was so unnecessary. I had stayed up later than usual as well, attempting to teach myself some background on ninjas and the world. Learning that there were many ninja villages piqued my curiosity. I ended up researching a few of them for longer than I had originally planned.

"Right, we're going to the Hokage's. It's important." I hear him say.

"What? Why? I haven't eaten anything! I'm starving! What's this all about?" I moan.

He didn't reply but guide me out of the door, I protested and whined the whole way there.

"It's totally not fair! I bet the other teams, even Naruto and Sakura and Sasuke are still sleeping! You told us we had a mission at ten, It's not even seven yet! I could be slee-"

"Shut up! Please!" He groans.

I cross my arms, scowling.

Kakashi helps me up some stairs, I assume the ones that lead to the Hokage's office.

"Ah Kakashi, Mei, please come in." The Hokage says.

I stand in front of his desk, Kakashi stands next to him.

"What's going on?" I moan, "Why did I have to be woken up?"

"Mei, we want to talk to you about a book we found." The Hokage says slowly.

"A book? What book?" I ask.

Kakashi sighs, "A book I found in your room."

I sighed, silently cursing. I knew someone would try interfere.

"Why were you searching through my room?" I growl.

"I- Uh..." Kakashi tries to come up with something.

"My room, I deserve privacy." I say.

"Mei. This book had a piece of paper at a page titled Portabijon. You know of this, am I correct?" The Hokage asks.

"Yeah... The librarian gave me that book." I say. Oh wait, now i'll get the librarian in trouble...

"The Portabijon technique is extremely difficult and dangerous. Although it says it isn't it really should be a forbidden technique." He sounds angry.

"Mmh." I reply.

"Mei, you only just became a ninja. You barely know anything about how the nin world works... How do you expect us to allow you to perform such a dangerous jutsu?"

I step back, "B-but-"

"I forbid it. You may not perform this, and don't deny you were planning this. Shino Aburame confirmed your target."

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