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When I woke the next day, bright light filtered through the thin curtain.

I sat up feeling disorientated and groggy.

My mind took a while to register what I had seen.


I can see!

I blinked, clearing the blurry patch and colours and objects bombarded my vision. A blue fuzzy looking chair was in the corner of the room, next to that stood a light brown square table with a white bowl on top. The floor was white and shiny, the walls a pale green and the ceiling white.

The bed had a white sheet and a silver frame. The door was dark green and the curtain was white.

I looked at my hands, skin. Skin colour.

It was facinating and truely shocking. Everything looked so vivid and textured.

A flash of red caught my eye and I turned, but it had gone.

I turnedback and saw the red again, this time I picked it up and pulled. I yelped at the sharp pain on my scalp. My hair was red.

How long ago had I last seen my hair? Over five years ago.

I jumped out of the hospital bed and switched the white hospital gown for my normal outfit.

I admired the colours of my outfit, a blue and black wrap around dress with dark grey trousers and black shoes. I hadn't imagined what colour it was before now.

After I was dressed I added my blindfold to the outfit.

Don't ask why, I didn't want to become overwhelmed by just walking outside and seeing a tree.

I made it out of the hospital without being bothered and rushed to the place that Nami had said they were staying.

I entered their apartment without knocking and located their Chakras.

"Aisu!" Aimi exclaimed as I walked in.

Instead of seeing faint lines through the blindfold I saw bold lines and different tones.

I hugged her excitedly, "Guess what?" I asked them all.

"What?" Nami and Taiki asked at the same time.

I untied my blindfold and removed it from my eyes.

A tall girl with dark red hair and bright blue eyes stood next to a boy with short redish hair and blue eyes. Nami and Taiki.

Aimi stood infront of me, almost the same height, she had copper red hair and the same eyes as Nami.

All of them looked fairly similar with the same three blue cirlces beneath their left eye, red hair and blue eyes.

"Your eyes aren't scarred!" Taiki exclaimed.

"Can you see?" Nami asked, her expression full of shock.

"Aisu! Your eyes are real pretty!" Aimi grinned.

"I can see! Tsunade-sama healed my eyes last night!" I smiled.

For the next hour or so, I stayed with them in their apartment talking and looking around at everything. Reminding myself of colours, shapes and textures.

I left at around mid-day to go and find my team mates.

I found Naruto and Sakura training together in the training field.

"Mei!" Sakura waved at me, then she paused, her smile fading.

"Mei! Where is your blindfold?" Naruto yelled across the field.

I smirked an joined them.

"Your eyes are pretty." Sakura commented.

"Can you see?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah." I smiled at them.

Naruto had blonde spiky hair, with blue eyes and three whisker marks on his cheeks. He wore a black and orange suit and in total looked original.

Sakura had pink shot hair and green eyes, she wore a pink top and skirt with leggings.

"How?" She asked, shocked.

"Tsunade-sama." I answered.

"Amazing." She blinked.

"Where is Sasuke? I haven't seen him around yet." I glanced around. Why hadn't I seen him?

"Y-you don't know..." Sakura stuttered.

Naruto's face contorted in anger.

"What? What happened?" I asked.

"Sasuke left. The night after you disappeared." Naruto growled.


Sorry for the bad ending, I couldn't be bothered to write more.

Tell me what you think!

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