Past and Information

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I just realized, I never wrote Naruto saying 'Dattebayo' !!!! :O I'll start putting it in now! Gomen!! BTW I know that Uzumaki's have red hair BUT SO DO SHIRYOKU'S!!!! :) Just to clear that up... 

So I'm going to add a link in the external link to a story by one of my friends called tin tin, (Tina). Her character Amaya will come into this story at some point, (NOT TELLING HOW!!!) but the beginning of the stories aren't related so up to about Shippuden they aren't connected, after that they should be. I'll change this if I got it wrong! :D

Pic that i drew is of Nami's Kekkei Genkai, (the same as Mei's) The first and second stage :)

I groan and roll over, only to bump into something.

I sit up confused and sense a familiar Chakra.

"NARUTO! GET OUT OF MY BED!" I yell and shove him off the bed.

He sits up before he lands, "Mei-chan! Your awake!" He jumps and and hugs me.

"Why were you in my bed?!" I push him away playfully.

"I was tired Mei-chan! I didn't see the point in going back to my apartment, and they wouldn't give me a bed." He sits on the end of my bed.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"Hospital. You were really badly hurt after that match. Some like internal bleeding and Chakra damage." He nods, "Yep! But your better now, Dattebayo!" He punches the air excitedly.

"Yeah, I feel better. So how did the other matches go?" I lean back on the pillow.

"Well, Sakura and Ino drew, Taiki beat Chouji with that weird Kekkei Genkei, I beat Kiba!" 

I grin at his achievement.

"Neji almost killed Hinata..." His voice darkens angrilly, "Gaara almost killed Lee, Temari beat Tenten and Shikamaru pummeled Kin by making her hit her head on a wall and knock herself unconcious!" He laughs.


"He has this shadow thing where when somebody is trapped in it, they are frozen and do what Shikamaru does. It's cool. I'm hungry, are you? I'll go get some Ramen." He leaves abruptly.

My fight. I lost. I run the whole thing through in my head, finding the bits that I need to work on.

Chakra. I need waaay more if I want to use my Kekkei Genkei again. 

Speed and strength. Fighting full grown men is not easy.

Controll. Over my Kekkei Genkei mostly, but Chakra controll could be useful.

"Mei. Glad to see your awake." The Hokage's voice says calmly.

He walks in followed by another familiar Chakra, Kakashi.

"Thank you Hokage. Hi Kakashi." I say.

"We are here to discuss your power, and the Shiryoku ninja." The Hokage says. 

Jo Hokage. >.< Naruto abridged episodes WATCH IT!!!!

I internally sigh. I knew this would happen.

"The Shiryoku nin would not tell us anything, they said we'd have to ask you. What is your relation to them? I believe it is more than what it seems." The Hokage still sounds calm.

"Uh, yeah... well Aimi and Nami are my sisters and Taiki is a friend of theirs. I'm from the Shiryoku clan, Village hidden in the Sun in the Land of Light, and posses their Kekkei Genkei, although I don't know much about it. My realy name is Aisu Shiryoku." 

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