The First Chunin Exam

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I left out the introduction with Kabuto, just rpetend it happened  :) I'm too lazy to write that bit.

I am sitting at the back row.

Naruto at the front, Sakura and Sasuke near the middle.

"This is the written exam, to test your knowledge. We have Chunin posted around the room to watch for cheaters. You have one hour for this test, in the last fifteen minutes, you will be given the last question. If you cheat you will be caught and sent out along with your team, disqualifying you all from the Chunin exams. So in other words, don't cheat." The man at the front, Ibiki says in a cruel tone.

Really? If you want us not to cheat, you only need to say once. I roll my eyes at the obvious test.

I don't actually know what is on the test, seeing as I can't see, and can't read.

I know that Sasuke has glanced at me at least twice and Sakura and Naruto have given me looks. My guess is they don't want to fail, and they know that I will.

Other people have looked at me, probably out of curiosity. I feel their stares and whispers; 'How is she meant to read the questions or write with that thing over her eyes?' 'You would have thought she'd have taken it off...'

I ignore the comments, pushing away the anger.

"You will start with ten points, every question you miss, you will get a mark deducted. If you are caught cheating, two marks will be deducted. Get caught five times are your team is disqualified. Also if one person on your team gets zero, you will all fail." Ibiki says loudly.

There are sounds of protest, whispering.

"No questions. Your time starts now." He says.

Suddenly everybody goes quiet, all you can hear is pencils scratching away.

Except for mine, and Naruto's.

I hope he at least gets one mark.

I pick up my pencil and write my name at the top of the paper.

I glance around, without moving my head.


Well even if I could see them it would be usesless. I can't even read.

Or write properly.

"Mister Ibiki sir!" I hear Sakura call out.

"Yes?" He replies agressively.

"My team mate can't see, how is she meant to read the questions or write the answers?" 

I growl quietly.

"That is her problem." Ibiki snaps.

Sakura goes quiet.

I listen carefully, trying to figure out what people are writing. That doesn't work though.

Suddenly somebody falls on top of me.

I push them away.

"Number 48 is there a problem?" Ibiki's cold voice rings out.

"No sorry, I fell off my bench." I girl replies.

The girl stands, but only after shoving something into my hand. Something small and round.

She climbs back over her bench and sits down behind me.

"Sorry about that." She says cheerfully.

Ibiki sighs loudly.

I glance down at my hand. What is it?

"Put it in your ear." The girl whispers quietly to me.

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