Prologue: "Night's sky"

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Late at night, I used to enjoy wandering around outside, all alone. Just me and my thoughts. Especially on those clear comfortable nights.

     I'm talking about those low humidity with a cool breeze kinda nights. Not a cloud in the sky for miles, kinda nights.

     Where every star was mine to gaze upon.

     Surrounded by the peaceful silence that comes with living in the suburbs. Disturbed only by the relaxing chirps of hidden crickets.

     Just staring up into the night's sky as countless flickering points of light gaze back down upon me.

     I would get lost in the mysterious beauty that is those star's home, in those constellations in outer space.

     And as I spent those precious moments looking up, I would set my imagination free.

     Free to expand outward, resting on a single question...

     "What's out there?" Beyond our ability to see. Beyond our current knowledge of the universe.

     Suddenly, I find myself in a spaceship, traveling away from the comforts of Earth and out into the vastness of space... out into the unknown.

     Exploring the endless possibilities, just me and my spaceship. Voyaging towards those distant worlds, as I can only imagine what fantastic things we'd find there, just waiting to be discovered.

     Yup... I would just walk, looking up at all those stars, twinkling above me... So focused on them that - SMACK! - I would walk into a mailbox, a tree, a lamp post or just trip on a raised crack in the sidewalk, falling head first into some bushes.

     Hey, you know you've done it! Hell, we've all done it... The looking up... not so much the falling.

     Since the dawn of man (and women), we've been looking up towards the heavens and wondering, "What all could be out there?" Just what amazing sights could be seen out amongst those stars, beyond our telescopes.

     And more importantly...

     How many of those stars have given birth to the "ANSWER" The answer of what many would consider to be the most important QUESTION of all time... Is there LIFE beyond Earth?

     ... Well, STOP!!!

     STOP wondering and STOP asking!!!


     Because I now know the answer!!!

     And the answer SUCKS!!!

     None of it matters anymore, soon there won't be anyone left to wonder "What's out there?".

     Because the "Answer" to the question has found us...

And it's going to KILL us ALL!!!

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