Chapter 26: "Power Struggle"

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"OK Path, what can you tell me about this... crystal thing?" I asked as Path floats around me with his legs crossed as if sitting in a chair. He sips tea from a small cup in one hand and holds the saucer in the other... pinky up, of course.

      [[[ "Well, Solmax, it's called the Solarmax Crystal..." ]]]

     "Wait, it's called what?"

      [[[ "I know right, Solar-Max, Sol-Max, you were born for this gig! Get it...!?! Anyway, it's the second part of a two part process that's designed to give a "Chosen One" the same powers as Zeon... Why, ah... Why do you ask?" ]]]

      "Oh, no reason... just that, I think it's calling to me... Is this thing alive?"

      [[[ "Well, once bonded with it, the user gains control over the billions, if not trillions, of tiny bioengineered energy generating microscopic organisms that live within the crystal. They can self replicate on demand and link together to form into anything you can imagine as you've already seen Zeon demonstrate... You know, as he's been saving your butt, like how many times now?" ]]]

      "Yeah yeah... So that's a YES. What are they called?"

      [[[ "Well, in keeping with a theme, they're called MicroLights. They're the result of a combination of micro-biological manipulation and intelligence augmentation created by Zeon's father. So yes, they're alive... And sentient." ]]]

      Path hovers over to a console where he pushes on a few lights. [[[ "Here, have a look." ]]]

      A three dimensional holographic image projects in the air above the console. It's an image of a single MicroLight magnified to the size of a football, showing me just what they look like.

      Their appearance is strikingly similar to that of a Tardigrade, also called a Water Bear. A very durable Microorganisms that can live anywhere on Earth. Much like the cockroach, they can survive in any environment, even in outer space.

      [[[ "Pretty cool huh Solmax?" ]]]

      "Yeah... Yeah they are..."

      [[[ "Ahh, you're just saying that cause their what's keeping you alive right now." ]]]

      "... You mean these things are already inside me!?!"

      [[[ "Yuppers, they're making up your missing parts. Isn't that nice of them?" ]]]

      "...Zeon, hurry up and get back here would ya."

Back on Earth... At the Galaxy View Hospital, a war rages on.

      TarDrona, in full monster form, walks up to Denise Solmaxton, ready to kill her in some horribly gory and torturous way.

      {{ "How would you like to die human?" }}

"It doesn't matter what you do to us monster, my son and the ZeoLight will kill you all."

      {{ "Humf... If by some chance they do manage to kill us, it won't even matter. In the end, we're all already dead... But I promise you, your son and the rest of your family will live long enough to be used by the Dark Lord NegaTox. After we've broken your bodies and minds, you'll be added to our dark army, helping in the take over of this world and then the next. Then we'll leave you to die on that distant planet, suffering with what little life you have left." }}

      As TarDrona threatens the lives of the entire Solmaxton family, Denise manages to shake loose a small flashlight looking device from her sleeve and shift it down to her right hand.

ZEON and The Solmax Destiny Part 1Where stories live. Discover now