Chapter 19: "Father...?"

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We land my flying car behind the house by the back gate entrance to the yard...

...Hehe, I just said "My flying car"... This is great. And I'd appreciate all this cool Sci-Fi stuff more if the human race wasn't about to be annihilated.

Zeon and I cautiously get out of Firebird X.

"Is it clear?"

<<< ... Yes. >>>

After a few steps away, the ZeoLight waves his hand at the space cruiser, causing it to transform back into the more familiar looking Earthly Pontiac Firebird.

"Look at this place... All of this had to have made for some commotion. How is it that no neighbors called the cops yet?"

I look over at our neighbor's house, the Phillips. I see Mr. and Mrs. Phillips just looking out the window at us... Then they quickly look away and close the blinds when they spot me looking up at them.

Huh, some neighbors they are.

"Alright, let's get in there!"

<<< Solmax wait. You most stay close... I can understand your need to just burst into your home to help you father. But... >>>

"Damn straight I want to burst in there and save my dad...! But I've already learned the hard way why you don't just run head first into a wall of situation without wearing a helmet of preparation to handle what you're getting yourself into. I know Zeon... Well, can you at least tell me if he's even still alive?"

<<< ...Yes, he's alive... But I can't seem to sense his current condition. There is a strong evil energy in the house... I can tell you that much. >>>


We walk in through the gate entering the backyard. This place was trashed. We quickly move to the back door of the house, or where the back door should have been. It was ripped off its hinges and laying on the ground fifteen feet away.

We enter the house through the Sunroom...

"Holy... It's way colder and dark in here then it should be. The power must be out to, no lights on or anything else is on for that matter."

We pass through the sunroom to the kitchen door, err...door frame. That door was ripped off its hinges as well.

I can't believe the condition of my home. I never thought I'd feel so alone and threatened within these walls.

I'm going to find my father and make, whoever or whatever did this, pay.

I walk by the refrigerator and open it up. I find the milk and start drinking straight from the gallon. It's still cold, power must not have been out long. Zeon looks at me with a puzzled head tilt. I wipe the milk from my chin and say,

"What are you looking at? I'm freakin' starving. Being dead takes It out of you."

I grab an apple from the fruit basket and take a bite. I look at Zeon and ask,

"Hey Zeon, you want one?"

I grab another and toss it to him. He catches it and retracts the front part of his helmet to reveal his face as he begins to inspect the apple by sniffing it.

"What...? You do eat food don't you?"

<<< Of course I eat... >>>


<<< But It has been some time since I've had the chance to eat. With my powers sustaining me, I no longer have to consume food to stay alive. >>>

"Oh yeah, so you're like a plant? You can generate your own internal food source? Cool! ... On second thought, maybe you shouldn't eat that. I don't need you getting sick when this TarDron tries to, you know, start killing me and stuff."

<<< Don't be silly Solmax... Hehe. I will be just fine eating this "Apple". >>>


I grab the apple back out of his hand before he has a chance to take a bite.

"I'm sorry. We'll eat later I promise. Well, if we're both not dead by then of course. And did you just laugh at yourself when you said... "Silly Solmax"?"

I put both apples back in the bowl and we continue towards the living room.

I look back at Zeon as he thinks I didn't see him sneak the apple back out of the bowl, I say to him,

"I saw that."

<<< And I could make you forget you saw that. >>>

"Oh really. Well how about you making me forget about everything that's happened to me over the past couple of days, ya jerk!"

<<< Solmax. I don't appreciate your sarcasm. So will you please stop acting like a... What is the word you humans use? Ah yes... An Asshole. >>>

"... Hehe... Touche Space Newt."

I smile at him and we proceed with caution. He creates a small knife and begins slicing off pieces of the ginger gold apple and eating them.

ZEON and The Solmax Destiny Part 1Where stories live. Discover now