Chapter 3: "Destiny Calling"

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     Huh...? Donna seems irritated with me this morning, more so than usual. Anything I say or do, just seems to piss her off.


     Whoa! She nearly took my head off with that roundhouse. I ducked just in time to avoid taking a kick to the side of my face. And that was no accident either. She intentionally aimed her foot straight at my head!

     This is supposed to be a sparring match. But she's totally trying to kick my ass. One thing's for sure, she looks damn good doing it.

     Donna's 5'5 with long black hair, that's normally kept pulled back in a ponytail with spiky bangs that almost cover her eyes. She's an attractive girl of Chinese descent, but more importantly she's my good friend, at least she was...

     As she continues trying to K.O. me, that's short for "KNOCKING my ass OUT", she's yelling with a slight rage in her tone,

     "KI-YAHHH!!!... What's the matter Solmax? HI-YAH!!! You not up for the fight today? YAHHH!!! You seem a little distracted. What's the matter, KI-YAHHH!!! Feeling guilty over something!?!"

     Yep... She's pissed at me. There's no mistaking it now.

     As I negotiate my way through a rage-fueled barrage of Donna's kicks and punches, I feel she may have a point though. My reaction time is not what it should be. I'm totally not as 100% focused here. And it isn't because of our current questionable relationship status.

     Whatever the hell happened back at Sean's, left me disoriented. Dammit! Of all days to have some kind of mental breakdown!

     I try and shake it off and get my head back in the training. I need to show my Ex-girlfriend that I still got what it takes to compete in the tournament today.

     Oh, did I not mention that Donna, the girl way pissed at me right now is my ex-girlfriend? Yeah, that could be why she hates my guts right now, I recently decided that we should just go back to being only friends. No more, no less. That was over a week ago. She seemed to take it well.

     Don't get me wrong, she's an amazing girl. We've known each other since we were five years old. She's been a good friend, one of the few I can call "Best" and I love her to death. But it wasn't until we started dating that I realized that the love I felt for her is more like... not like a sister but a cousin, type of love. She's family... you know?

     I'm guessing she's been unable to bring her feelings for me back down a level but in fact she's gone further in the opposite direction away from just friends. And she's stuck in the "Wanting More" area... Memorizing the star constellations is easier then understand the heart and mind of a woman.

     I can't do much about that right now. But if I can't prove to her that I'm good to compete in the tournament today, she'll tell her father, who just happens to be our Martial Arts teacher, Master Adam Chen. And he might just decide to pull me out of the tournament "For my own well being". He's done it before.

     I hear Sean call out to me as he's sparing with Zachary Gray. "Hey Solmax, you need any help over there my man!?!" 

     I yell back to him, "Nah Mars, I got this!"

     My man Sean, always got my back. But I think this time, he may have just gotten me into more trouble than I already was in.

     "Do you got this Solmax!?!" Donna's voice gets even more irritated and enraged. "Do you!?!"

      Yup, I'm going to regret saying that. I need to start putting more thought into what comes out of my mouth when I'm around her.

      "You had this! All of this! Then you went and threw it all away!!!"

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