Chapter 2: "Welcome to the Galaxy"

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Eleven days earlier...

June 29th 2018 (Friday)

"AHHHHH...!!! Noooo!!!"

(( THUD! )) "Ooof...!"

     "Huh...? Ooow..."

     I wake up, finding myself face flat on the carpet of my bedroom floor. I totally spazzed out while dreaming and fell out of bed... Again.

     I just lay there for a moment, trying to catch my breath as I gather up the pieces of my traumatized psyche.

     I spit out my night guard mouthpiece as it keeps me from grinding my teeth away from the stress of these chronic bad dreams.

     Sweat, running down the tan skin of my face and into my green colored eyes... man, that stings.

     I reach up, grabbing my bed sheet, pulling it down to me and use it to dry the perspiration from my face and wipe it out of my eyes, providing relief from the burning.

     The dream, this time, was more vivid, more intense. And it felt a hell of a lot more real than ever before...
Dream? Huh... more like a nightmare, that would be a better description for them. A god-damn recurring nightmare, night after night.

     A decades worth of the same nightmare, tormenting my sleep, over and over. Oh, it's ok, y'all don't have to worry about lil'-ol-me. I've gotten used to them. But for the first time since they started, I can actually remember details more clearly, like faces and the environments around them...

     And when you're having a nightmare and use words like "vivid" and "intense" to describe them, you would wake up nine times out of ten on your bedroom floor too.

     Now, I know what you're thinking, everybody has the occasional lucid bad dream, the kind that scares the living shit out of you. The kind that could unnerve a grown man to the point of refusing to go down in a basement. Or if they make it down there, running up dem stairs like your life depended on it!

     Well, that's not what makes mine different. Ya see, when the average person dreams, they dream of what's going on in their waking life, using the people, places and things they've seen and have been to.

     I however have been having the same nightmare with the same creatures whom I've never seen before, in places I've never been to before. Places that are not even humanly possible to get to. Places that even fictional TV shows, movies, and internet concept artists would be envious of.

     So I've come to the conclusion that... now don't laugh... that my dreams aren't nightmares at all, but they are in fact, REAL. That they're actually visions of real Alien beings that really exist somewhere out... there.

     You know, Extraterrestrials...?

     ...Life NOT of planet Earth?

     Here's the thing... If all this isn't just me going crazy...

     If all this isn't just my mind deciding it wants to be broke...

     If all this is really happening...

     My theory is that it's not even my own mind reaching out through the cosmos via remote viewing. But in fact, just the opposite. I believe that it's someone else's mind sending me images from what they are seeing. That somewhere out there, I'm seeing through an alien's eyes!

     As for the How and Why this fellow keeps broadcasting his shit into my head, I don't know. But come on! Every freakin' night for the past ten years... What an asshole!

     I reach over grabbing a black hardcover book off my nightstand and a pen. I opened it to the next blank page, towards the middle and begin drawing what I saw in my dream.

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