Chapter 23: "A Path Chosen For Me..."

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<<< Solmax...? Solmax, you can wake up now, we have arrived. >>>

Zeon powers up my heart, bringing it back to a normal pulse rate.

My body springs to life as I gasped for air.

I'm disoriented and still in attack mode after Zeon ignored my plea to return back to the surface to help my father.

I lash out in anger at him. "... AARRRG!!! Take... Take me back... Now...!"

Zeon restrains me with extra seat belt constructs.

<<< Easy Solmax. >>>

As my eyes come into focus I realize...

I don't think I'm in Galaxy View anymore...

But I've got one hell of a view of the Galaxy.

There are stars all around me

I'm in outer space...

I look to my right to see the Earth...

<<< So, do you still wish to get out of the car Solmax? >>>

"No... No, I'll wait."

<<< I realize you're still upset with me, but it was your father's wish that I begin your training regardless of what happens to him. >>>

"I don't care what he told you... It wasn't his decision. Take me back..."

<<< Your father would beg to differ. >>>


<<< As I was saying. While purging the TarLing from your father, our minds were connected, this allowed me to learn what knowledge he had obtained while linked to the TarLing, but also to distract him from the pain of the separation process. And what I learned from him surprised me, I don't know why, it's been decades since I've been surprised but it has happened many times since being on this planet. The surprising knowledge came not from the TarDron but from your father in that he already had prior knowledge of your destiny and what you're meant to become. >>>

"... So, he and my mother both knew all along... They knew what was happening to me, what I was going through, and why this was happening to me. All these years, suffering through nightmare after nightmare. Feeling different from everyone else. And all they could do was shrug their shoulders and lie to me?"

<<< It would appear so... Your father has been a part of this for a long, long time. So I shared with him what he did not know. The knowledge about myself and how this whole mess got started. And the knowledge he gained from being linked to the symbiote confirms a long standing theory my people had regarding the origins of this evil. Up until now, this theory, deduced by the smartest ZeoLight minds on my home world, including my father, but were never able to prove, has now been verified and becomes fact. >>>

"And what was that theory?"

<<< It revolved around a worst case scenario. Basically we all have a much, much bigger battle to prepare for than recently thought possible. So please Solmax, stop resisting and help me save the world, your world. >>>

"Oooooh k... What do we do now?"

<<< Ok...? No more fighting me...?

"Yes Zeon, I'm done fighting with you, Ok?"

<<< Yes. Ok. Good. Well first, I have a gift for you... look... >>>

Zeon raises his hand and points out towards the front of the car through the windshield. I look out of the window and notice something glowing green had emerged from behind the moon, coming straight for us. Something fast... And big. It must be, to be able to see it at all from this distance...

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