Chapter 18: "If I Only Had A Heart..."

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My body springs to life in a violent spasm as my heart begins pumping blood and my lungs begin taking in oxygen again...

I gasp for air...

I'm alive...?

How am I alive?

I should be dead, which is the total opposite of alive...

I look up to see Zeon kneeled down beside me. I look at him confused.


<<< I'm here Solmax. >>>

I just stare at him, trying to figure it all out on my own... I don't get very far...

"I'm alive...?"

<<< Yes, yes you are my friend. >>>

"Zeon, what the hell happened? How long was I out?"

<<< It has only been a few minutes... >>>

"Minutes...!?! But I... I... was dreaming... It felt like a whole day had passed... it felt so real, up until the end anyway. But, I was hurt...?"

<<< I must apologize again Solmax. The TarDron fired an energy blast at me with the only arm he had left. The same arm he was still holding onto you with... He missed of course. But he had to blast through you to get to me... I'm sorry Solmax... I was careless. >>>

I look down at my chest to where solid skin toned flesh should be, only to see, in its place, a translucent green glowing replacement filling the hole that was left there. I can see movement inside as well, a new heart beating strong. I lift my hand up and start pressing on the glowing green surface with my finger tips.

It feels warm to the touch, it feels soft like flesh but looks like green jello.

There's no pain... In fact, it feels... Normal.

"Zeon, what did you do to me?"

<<< I saved your life Solmax. >>>

"But how? What is this? Is this permanent? And if not, how long will it last?"

Zeon looks at me and takes a moment to gather an explanation as to how he's going to explain just what he's done to me.

<<< The simplest way I can explain this to you Solmax is that I replaced your destroyed organs, tissues, muscles, nerves and bone with a matter energy construct. I'm keeping you alive. I am your life support system right now. As long as I will it, you will continue to live. >>>

"Oooooh kay... So this is what Frankenstein's Monster must've felt like? But for how long Zeon? How long can you maintain this, how long can you keep me alive?"

Then I remembered the other injuries I sustained in the fight... My head, face, neck, shoulder and side. I touch the areas to see if I was still bleeding out of them.

I look at my fingers. There was blood on them but it was old, nearly dry. He had used the same power to close and seal those wounds as well. They still hurt though.
I just look at Zeon as he stands there. Then he says,

<<< I promise you Solmax, you will not die today. >>>

"OK, good... That's good to hear... But one more thing, how did you know that this was even possible? I mean this is amazing."

He points to his left arm and lower left leg.

<<< I knew it would work because I've done it before. And this technique was used on me to save my own life long ago. >>>

He raises his left arm, relaxes his mind ever so slightly and allows it to break apart, turning back into swirling green energy before reforming back into a solid appendage. As he stares at it he says,

<<< My wife, ZeonXea... she saved my life using only her will power and our endless love for one another. She did this without knowing if it would work. I did it for you knowing it would. If you ever get a chance to meet her, you should thank her for your life. >>>

I take a look at him and smile.

"I will, until then, thank you Space Newt."

I reach for his hand and Zeon helps me stand to my feet. I look over to a steaming pile of dead TarDron.

"You took care of him good, didn't cha buddy?"

I feel an anger suddenly build inside me as I run over and start stomping, kicking and screaming at the dead TarDron's remains, which was next to nothing. Just a burnt silhouette in the grass where Zeon finished him off. I scream at the top of my new lungs,

"You stupid piece of SHIT!!!"

"What!?! What!?!"

"Not so tough now, are you!!!"

"You F%&#ing killed me!!!"

"You... You killed me..."

I fall to the ground and start to cry.

"I wasn't strong enough Zeon... How am I supposed to help you save the world, if all I do is keep getting my ass handed to me... Or, you know... Killed!?!"

<<< You're alive for now Solmax, that's all that matters in this moment. Now we must go, I sense the ones in black approaching this location. >>>

"The M.I.B.? They're on their way here...? Well, that does make sense."

I look around at all the teens that were zombied out moments ago. As they all beginning to come to their senses. Some are in pretty bad condition, as they fall to the ground in tremendous pain.

Then I catch Zeon staring off into the distance, looking at nothing.

"Zeon...? Zeon, what is it?"

But before he can snap out of his trance to tell me what's going on, I have a mental flash of an image that pops up into my own mind's eye.

It was what happened at the end of my dream. The part with my father... Then a horrible feeling comes over me.

"Zeon, my home...? They found my home!"

<<< Yes Solmax, this TarDron that tracked you here, it was a newborn. Not one of the original three. That means that the queen has already begun building an army here on Earth. And if there was one assigned to track and kill you, then there was one most certainly charged with tracking me down first. Your home is where my energy signature is the strongest... I sense your father is the only one in the house, and that he has already encountered the TarDron. >>>

"What...!?! Shit! Shit! Shit! We have to go now! Now! Come on, come on! We gotta get home to my Dad!"

I start running for my car, through Mike's house, at the same time taking out my cell from my pocket and trying to call Dad's cell.

(( Ring-ring ))

(( Ring-ring ))

(( Ring-ring ))

"Come on... Come on Dad, pick up!"

[[ "Hello..." ]]

"Dad! Are you..."

[[ "Haha, J.K. You've reached Jim Solmaxton. Leave your name, number and..." ]]

"No! Dammit...! I told him to change that answering message."

I'm outside now, running for my car. I look back to see if Zeon was behind me... He's wasn't.

"Zeon, where are you!?!"

<<< Solmax, you're not thinking clearly. You're forgetting about something ... >>>

The next thing I know, I'm floating up off the ground. I almost dropped my cell. But this wasn't by my doing. It was Zeon, levitating me up towards him skyward.

"Zeon, what the Hell are you doing...!?!"

<<< You had the right idea Solmax, but you're still thinking like a human. We can travel a different way, a faster way. >>>

"Oh right... Flying?"

I'm about 25 feet above the house. It's an amazing feeling. A feeling short lived as I look down below. A fleet of black vehicles were heading down the street towards us fast. Zeon floats beside me as I say to him,

"OK Zeon, whatever your plan is, let's do this already."

Zeon looked down at my car and focuses on it. He begins manipulating the firebird's form with his hand as it rises up off the ground.

The outside begins to glow and separate, transforming itself from a kickass looking Firebird into a kickass looking mini-spaceship.


Then the Firebird activates, lifting off into the sky and coming around to pick us up. The doors open and we get inside. The interior of my car has changed to match its new outer spaceship appearance. I grab the steering wheel and look at Zeon for permission,

<<< It's your car Solmax. You have control of it. >>>


There's an increasing humming vibration sound coming from the engine, then I slammed my foot down on the accelerator and we blast off towards my home. I look at Zeon and say,

"I got a bad feeling about what we're going to find when we get there Zeon."

<<< As do I Solmax. >>>

"You know what? You weren't supposed to agree with me."

<<< I don't understand what you mean? >>>


At this speed it won't take us long to reach my home. But I need to ask Zeon more about my new condition.

"OK Space Newt... What happens now. My goddamn heart is gone... Amongst other things, how do we fix this? Don't you have some kind of advanced alien tech that could permanently regrow my missing parts or something?"

<<< My powers are in fact healing and regenerating your body as we speak. Although it will be awhile till your vital organs are regrown completely. >>>

"But then, why hasn't your arm and leg grown back completely?"

<<< I don't know Solmax. Maybe I haven't given it enough time and rest to allow it to completely regenerate. But what I do know is that it's not as bad as it used to be, so there was regeneration but it has been a slow process. >>>

"Oh great..."

<<< For now you must accept what has happened to you. As far as your future independence from me, there is only one way to accomplish that.

"And what's that exactly?"

<<< You must obtain the same power that I possess. Then you can take back control of your own body. >>>

"And I assume you have a way to do that?"

<<< Indeed Solmax... But first we must deal with a more current problem... >>>

"And that is?"

<<< Why your house looks as if it has just seen a huge battle. >>>


I look down to see my home, not looking the way I left it this morning. There were small fires and burning debris everywhere. There were scorch marks scattered all over the back yard and on the side of the house.

"Oh... Son of a Bitch!"

ZEON and The Solmax Destiny Part 1Where stories live. Discover now