Chapter 14: "Surgen General's Warning!"

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A few hours earlier...

A man's walking down a dark section of street. The glow of his cigarette grows brighter as he inhales through the filter, filling his lungs with poisons, chemicals and a very addictive drug, Nicotine. But that's the least of his problems now.

His eyes mimic the unnatural glow of the cigarette, as they set their sights on the bright lights coming from the service station directly in his path.

Outside of this convenience store, a group of teens are gathered, ages 16 to 12. They're hanging out, laughing and just being young.

The law calls this act loitering, the kids call it a Saturday night.

They all arrived here by means of bicycles and skateboards. Meeting at this gas station has been their routine for the past few years now. Every Saturday night around 7:00 pm. But today was different, because today wasn't Saturday, it was Sunday. But when it's Summertime and everyone is off from school, every night is a Saturday night.

Unfortunately after tonight, the young ones will all be asking themselves why they couldn't have stuck to tradition, for the rest of their lives, however long or short that will be.

The Galaxy View fueling and convenience store. Think SHEETZ, but better. This store commonly does a lot of business, a busy place, with people coming and going 24/7.

Tonight however, is uncommonly slow.

The man, who was about to enter the store, is called over by the teen's oldest member.

"Hey old dude! Come here for a second."

"Yeah kid, how can I help you?"

"Ya think you could buy us some more smokes? Where almost out."

The teen asks as he takes a deep drag of his cigarette. Most of the group was smoking. The man looks over, the teens surrounded by their own smoke and likes what he sees. They're all tainted with the toxic life decaying matter the evil itself is made of. The Dark Lord NegaTox will use this native toxic matter to grow even stronger and tear this planet apart.

But how is it that the dark toxin already exist here on Earth, predating any Dark Lord invasion?

... It doesn't matter now. All the evil cares about is that this pre existing factor will make the conquest of this planet all the more sweeter.

"Well man? Yes or no? You gonna hook us up or what?"

The teen throws his half smoked cigarette on the ground then stomps on it. A look of disgust comes across the man's face as if the teen just spit in his face, but the man remains calm.

"...Hey kid, you need another one?"

"Yeah man, duh! That's why I called you over here in the first place."

The man pulls a cancer stick out of the pack and hands it to the boy.

"Well here have one of mine...*

"Yeah ok, thanks."

The kid takes it and places the cylinder between his lips then goes to light it with his lighter...

"Hold on kid. You want to see a cool magic trick?"

"Umm... Sure, what not."

The kid lowers his lighter and waits to see what the man's going to do. He asks the man,

"What's your name old dude?"

"I'm... Rick. What's yours kid?"

"I'm Mitch."

"Nice to meet you Mitch... Now watch this."

Rick puts his bare finger to the end of the cigarette and it begins to burn.

"Holy shit dude! How'd you do that!?!"

The others want in on the magic trick. They run over to Rick and Mitch. Rick gives each of the six kids a fresh cig and begins touching the ends of each one, igniting them with nothing more than his fingertip.

All the kids are amazed. But there was one kid, the youngest of the group, standing back away from the rest. Rick looks over and asks,

"Mitch, who's that over there... not smoking?"

Mitch replies,

"Who...? Oh, that's just Kenny. He's a little lame-oh 12 year old. The only reason he's here is because his big brother Sam here had to watch him tonight."

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