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I'm fighting for my life... I'm holding my own against the most dangerous opponents I've ever faced. Trying to protect everyone who hasn't already been infected or killed in the area by taking down these "Space Demons"

      Monsters, whose very nature, is to cause the death and destruction of all life.

      The TarDron Queen, TarDrona and her boyfriend/bodyguard, the Mega TarDron.

      This "lovely couple", along with an army of TarDron soldiers and TarLung zombie underlings, have just attacked the Galaxy View Hospital and tried to kill my parents. Mum and Dad are still alive thanks to the intervention of my new alien friend, Zeon. But so many others have already fallen.

      This insanity has to end, but it's only just begun...

      I'm striking the Mega's face with such force that it feels as if my fist is shattering against its heavily armored exterior every time. Lucky for me, it also feels like my fist is being put back together after every impact...

      This power I have, it's unimaginable and yet I still can't take these things down.

      And judging from the increasing burning pain inside my body, I don't think I have much time left to do so...

      I still can't believe any of this is real... But it is real. It's all real. It's really happening... and yet I still can't comprehend itl. I feel as if I'm just in a dream, a bad dream... a very, very, very, very bad dream. A dream I can't wake up from.

      Because the reality of it is, you can't wake up from a nightmare if you're already awake.

      As the two unwilling puppets of the Dark Lord NegaTox, continue to relentlessly try and kill me, all I can think about is how much I just want to WAKE UP!!!

      And then there's the other problem I find myself having to deal with...

      Trying to control these new and unstable superpowers. My body has been saturated with billions of microscopic, bioengineered lifeforms that generate malleable energy, that I should be able to control.

      But because I decided to recklessly and in a haist, expose myself to the SolarMax Crystal before my body could be properly augmented to support them, I'm now literally bursting at the seams.

      Energy randomly erupting from my very cells every five seconds as the MicroLights continue to triple the energy output beyond my ability to control. No one in the area is safe. And worse yet, I can feel myself losing what little control I had over these things.

      A power I wasn't ready to wield... This must be what the inside of a plasma ball feels like.

      As I do my best to battle the enemy and my own unstable self, I hear Zeon telepathically speak to me, <<< "Solmax, we need to get you back to the ship, now!" >>>

      << "NO!!! We... We need to st... Stop these two before they can hurt anyone else...! Besides, I brought the ship with me." >>

      Zeon looks up to see the ZeoLight ship descending down from above the clouds looking even more beautiful in the Earth's atmosphere with her polished black shell, bioluminescent green panels and blue moving light lines.

      [[[ "Hey Solmax, we picked up your parents on the way down. So hurry it up would ya buddy, they want to see you." ]]]

      << "Thanks Path... I'm working on it." >>

ZEON and The Solmax Destiny Part 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora