Chapter 8: "Dreams and Nightmares..."

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<<< Solmax. >>>

     My eyes open but no light enters them, all I see is darkness. It's pitch black... I can't see anything.

     But I'm awake... aren't I?

     "What's going on...? Hello? I'm going to start freaking out here! What the hell is happening? Hello, where am I? Can anybody hear me?"

     My voice echoes in this lightless void.

     Then I notice something that confirms my suspicions as to where I my be. I can see myself plain as day... But there was no light anywhere to illuminate my body.

<<< WELCOME. >>>

The voice boomed like thunder.

"Zeon...? Is that you?" The voice doesn't answer the question instead it gives me a command,

<<< Head towards the light Solmax. >>>

A ball of light forms in mid air in front of me. It has no external power source and it seems to be increasing in size the closer I move towards it.

"Huh...?" I look down at my body, I'm only wearing my Martial arts pants.

"Head towards the light, ok? I better not be dead you overgrown space salamander."

The voice answers back,

<<< I assure you Solmax, you're very much alive. >>>


I head closer towards the light, as It has grown to the size of a large oval window, five feet tall and three feet off the ground. I walk up to it and look into it, its a portal.

I can see something on the other side. It's too high to just step through so I'll have to run and leap through it. I step back a few feet and run full speed towards the opening, diving head first into the light as it explodes open around me.

Landing on a flat surface I go into a forward roll and come to a stop. I look up to see what's all around me but coming from complete darkness to the light is blinding... It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust and come into focus.

As I take a second look around me, I see that I'm in a room... a very large strange alien looking room. I stand to my feet and I feel something on my arms and chest as I look down at my body again

"Ummm... What am I wearing.?"

A form fitting black and green bodysuit with a sleeveless long coat has found its way onto me.

"Hello... Zeon?"

At the center of this massive room was a large metallic statue of an alien being holding a green glowing crystal up by its chest.

As I walk around its base I notice what looks like a form of writing engraved into certain spots on the statue. The characters had a slight similarity to chinese writing, but you know, a hell of a lot more alien looking.

As I come back around to the front of the statue, I'm startled by a figure in a hooded cloak kneeling down at its base. He wasn't there a moment ago.

"Hello? Can you tell me where I am? And where I can find a friend of mine? His name's Zeon." I ask.

The figure looks up at me, his face concealed in shadow from his hood. Then he stands to his feet.


This dude was tall, taller than me. I'm of above average height at 6'1, but this guy was 7 foot easy. I find this meeting of taller individuals intimidating and humbling at the same time. I'm usually eye to eye or looking down at others. Then the cloaked figure takes his seven foot statue and walks past me and heads towards what looks like a solid wall.

"Hey, wait a minute. You know you're about to walk into a wall, right?"

The being comes up to the wall then places a hand on a panel. An opening forms from a once seamless surface allowing access to the outside.

<<< Come Solmax. >>> The figure says, then he walks outside.

"Hey, wait a minute. Who are you? What is this place?"

I run out into yet another blinding light. My eyes struggle to focus. All I see is blurry shapes and colors all around me.

"Uuh! Ow!.."


"Ooof!... What the!?!"

What the hell, who keeps bumping into me? My eyes finally adjust to the light.

"Oh my god..."

Aliens... I'm smack dab in the middle of an actual alien city... on an alien planet.

ZEON and The Solmax Destiny Part 1Where stories live. Discover now