Chapter 21: "Internal Conflicts"

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The continuous firing of her energy blaster fills the space around my left ear. It's defining, even through my helmet. Her gun quickly recharges with a short hum, then discharges again with the bluish white plasma blast she's been dispensing toward her target for the past 60 seconds.

That target...

My father...

The one pulling the trigger...

My mother...

"James, is that you under that getup? Are you alright!?!"

I almost forgot that Zeon placed a temporary power suit on me for protection against the smoke constructs. I have some control over the suit. I focus and cause the face of the helmet to vanish.

"Yeah Mum, it's me. I'm OK! ...But what the heck are you wearing!?!"

"Not now sweetie, I'll explain everything later. Where's your father!?!"

"Well... Ummm... You've kinda been repeatedly shooting him in the face for the past few minutes..."

"I'VE BEEN WHAT...!?!"

Uh oh... This realization catches Mum off guard. She stops shooting and looks towards the monster that was once her husband and the love of her life.

The TarDron was only stunned by the M.I.B weapon. And even at the weapons highest setting, the blaster couldn't take down my father, who in his current TarDron state, seemed to be an unstoppable killing machine that was going to kill us all.

So before we knew it, he had recovered, putting us face to face with Daddy TarDron once again.

Goddamn, these TarDrons are even scarier up close...

"Dammit Zeon... where are you!?!"

Just then, bluish plasma blast come flying through the front door as Slayvin and his team of five heavily armored and armed M.I.B agents burst into the house. Daddy TarDron roars with anger as he's pelted with energy blasts that push him back and away from us.

Smoke began filling the room, swirling around on the floor then rising up into upside down funnel clouds that shoot straight for the agents, surrounding and lifting them up off the ground and throwing them all back out of the house through the front door and windows.

Slayvin and the agents hit the ground, hard. A few of them aren't able to get back up. Then all the smoke rushes out of the house and into the yard, swirling around in front of the agents as it takes on humanoid forms, one for each agent.

Shit just got real for these guys, they weren't prepared for this kinda crazy.

The smoke constructs begin beating the crap out of the agents, who are helpless to fight back against combatants that are intangible and non-living.

Back in the house, the TarDron turns his attention back to us, well, back to Mum. She has decided to test her luck by trying to talk to Dad as he has moved in closer and was now face to face with her. Two feet was all that separated them now... Plus the nasty layer of mind controlling alien parasite biomatter that was covering my Father's face and body...

But what that thing doesn't know is that it's caught in between two very powerful forces that are my parents.

Two people so in love with each other, that nothing can keep them apart. I wouldn't be surprised if that nasty TarLing just melted right off my Dad from the positive love energy emitting off them...

Mum looks past the creature's horrifying external appearance and begins speaking to the man underneath.

"Jim darling? Can you hear me...? Please fight this thing... Please... We need you my love. You're the strongest man I've ever known... You can do it, you can best this monster that only thinks it has total control over you... We both know it doesn't."

ZEON and The Solmax Destiny Part 1Where stories live. Discover now