Chapter 15: "Party Crashers"

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Back at Mike's House Party: Present time.

From within the crowded house, Donna has gotten tired of waiting for me to come back and dance with her, as I promised I would. She decides instead to go and hunt me down.

She knows I wouldn't dare stand her up, just as I know that she knows that I would never break a promise. Well... That may no longer be the case, now that I've broken up with her. But I told her I would come back and dance with her and I meant it... but I've run into a slight situation out in the backyard.

Donna makes her way outside, pushing through the dancing crowd of teens.

Someone grabs her butt,


With a combination of instinct and pissed offness, she quickly grabs the hand and puts it in a wrist lock, the owner cries out in pain,

"Ow...! Ow...! Owww!!! Ok... ok... I'm sorry! Let go!"

"Ok? No..."

She lets go of his wrist, then punches him square in the nose.

"Now it's ok! You don't just randomly grab girl's ass's, Jerk!"

"Whatever you crazy bitc..."

"Crazy what!?! Oh, oh please say it, come on, call me a bitch. I want you to..."

"Um... no, bye"

The guy runs off to get a towel for his bloodied nose.

"Yeah, I thought so."

She doesn't care that she just might have broken that guy's wrist and face... she keeps moving towards me, saying out loud to herself,

"I swear to god Solmax, if you're out here with some slut, I'm going to kick your..."

She stops as her attitude quickly changes from pissed off to concerned now that she sees me facing off against a strange man.

I'm still holding his right arm, with my own. I'm using all my strength in fact, this guy's strong. I'm about to lose this pissing contest, big time.
After all, I've just picked a fight with a TarDron. I should've backed off or ran the moment I realized it. What was I thinking! I've just thrown myself into a shit-show!

I try calling out to Zeon through telepathy,

<< Zeon? Can you hear me? I could use your help now buddy... Zeon!?! >>

Crap! He's not responding! All I can do now is wait until he shows up... If he shows up. I'm on my own... but that's ok, I'm the Solmax, right? I'm not normal, I'm not some ordinary human, I know this... I can hold this guy off long enough for everyone to get out of harm's way.

Besides, he doesn't look so scary...

Uh oh... Spoke too soon. The man's eyes begin glowing bright red and all the creepy teens that came with him start circling around us.

The few people there with the most common sense notice what's going on and their the first to get the hell out of the area. The rest don't notice anything wrong and keep partying. And then there's those that do recognize that something's happening but they want to stick around to see a good fight that they can record and post to YouTube.

But they have no idea of the danger we're all in, how could they...? But we're all about to find out.

The man grins right at me, in a very creepy way... then his face starts to move... not like a frown or the rise of an eyebrow, but like, there's something inside his face underneath his skin, like hundreds of small worms moving between his skull and his flesh, all violently thrashing, looking for a way out.

Then a little black tentacle burst through the skin on his cheek, then another, and another... His face begins splitting apart at different areas and something definitely alive begins crawling out from the gaping wounds.

I feel like I'm going to be sick... and I turn my head so I don't have to look at whatever the f#$k is happening to this guy's face. I say to him as I try not to hurl,

"You want to stop... doing that dude... not cool!"

What's wrong with these kids, they just saw a man's face turn inside out and they're still here!?!

Then he easily breaks the grip I had on his wrist and he grabs me by my arm... hard and he leans in and puts his disgusting worm face, inches from mine as he says to me through his rotting teeth, and putrid breath.

{{ "The ZeoLight has abandoned you human. And when he does show up, all he will find is your body ripped to pieces and scattered all over this yard. Then I'll do the same to him." }}

A loud shout comes from the right side of us,

"HEY UGLY!!! Let him go!!!"


"Nobody messes with Solmax but me!"

ZEON and The Solmax Destiny Part 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin