Chapter 17: "Reality Bites"

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I yawn long and hard.

I'm laying down on something soft and my body's covered up...?

I open my eyes... pulling the cover down from over my head... I look around to realize that I'm back in my bedroom, laying in my own bed... but how?

As I lay here on my bed, I quickly let go of any questions I had as I'm like, Wow... I've never felt more comfortable in my entire life. My whole body feels so relaxed. It's just the right temperature in the room. I could just lay here forever...

As I'm laying here in my bed, I start to remember... I was having a dream... a bad dream. But it felt so real. It had to have been the most realistic feeling dream I've ever had...

Then for a moment, a sharp pain comes out of nowhere, shocking me right in the center of my chest.

"Oww...!!! Why?"

The pain leaves as quickly as it came, along with the question. The only thing that matters to me now is that I'm home, I'm safe. It was all just a bad dream... wasn't it?

(( Solmax... ))

"What...? Who's there...? "

Huh, must be hearing things.

I would lay here longer... but I'm kinda getting hungry.

(( Solmax ))

Eric, is that you messing with me...? No response. Well, It's morning, Mum must be preparing breakfast. I can smell the bacon cooking in the pan.

I throw on some sweatpants and a T-shirt then head downstairs to see that everyone was already sitting at the breakfast table.

"Hey sweetheart. How's your head, does it still hurt?"

"What's that head?"

"From the tournament yesterday silly. You fell off trying to do some fancy move and landed on your back. You missed the mat and hit the back of your head on the hardwood floor of the school gymnasium, remember?"

"Oh right... um, Yeah. I feel pretty good Mum. Hey dad, how's work going?"

"It's going OK son... you need to wake up... and stop and get your mother some items."

"... What did you say Dad?"

"I said you need to stop at the grocery store and get your Mum some items for dinner tonight. It's a special day, remember. You big brother Dan is coming home from the military for a visit."

"What, Dan's coming home...!?! That's great! Yeah I'll stop by the store after my Martial arts class at Master Chen's."

"Hey big bro, can you drive me over to the comic book store later? It's Wednesday, new comics come out today and I've been dying to see what happens next in... if you don't wake up now, you're going to die Solmax... So can you take me?"

"Um... yeah... sure Erik... No problem."

"How about you little sis? Is there anything I can do for you today?"

I look at my sister Nikki, she's just sitting there staring down at her plate of food, untouched on the table in front of her. Her long hair, covering her face, so I couldn't see if she was even paying attention to me."

"Hey Nikki, can you hear me underneath all that hair...? Hello? Sis, you ok?"

She looks up suddenly at me, but it wasn't her face that was revealed, but some kind of alien creature. I'm startled at the sight and jump out of my seat, backing away from the table.

I look around at everyone else as they just sit there looking at me as if I were the one with the gray skin and big black eyes, they're alarmed and confused at my reaction.

I look back at my sister's face as It had turned back to Normal as she says to me,

"What wrong big brother, why you looking at me all funny?"

"I... I... nothing... sorry. It's ok... Let's eat."

I sit back down in my seat.

"So, are you inviting Donna over tonight for dinner tonight dear?" Mum asks.

"Yeah Mum, I guess so."

"Good, she's such a nice girl. You two make a good couple... That's why you're all going to die... "


Ok... Ignore it. Just... ignore it... I finish eating my breakfast and realized that I couldn't help but start talking to myself out loud.

"Huh... We're all going to die she says... Haha... Ooooh what in the Hell is going on here?"

"What was that son?"

"Oh, nothing Dad... Alright guys, I'll see you all later on, I'm out. Love you."

"We love you too dear, I'll text you the list of things I need at the store, ok?"

"Yeah mum, ok."

"Bye sweetheart."

I go get ready to head over to the dojo.

I get into my dark green '95 Firebird. Looking at the interior I pause for a moment...


I shake off another one of the many odd feelings I've been having all morning. But I can't help but wonder what's going on with me today, why do I feel like everything here is so... wrong?

Was it the hit to the head that has me all out of sorts?

... I should've just stayed in bed.

ZEON and The Solmax Destiny Part 1Where stories live. Discover now