Chapter 9: "The Morning's Light"

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It's morning...

     I'm alive...

     I know this because I can feel the warm rays of sunlight beaming in through the pool house window, warming the skin on my face. Yet I'm lying here lifeless on the cold hard tile floor.


     I'm not breathing... oh my god... wake up...! Breath damn it...! Wake Up!

My eyes shoot open as my body springs to life and I gasp for air. I have to force myself to start breathing again. That can't be normal. Then I begin to remember the horror of the nightmare and the realization of what last night's vision revealed to me.

That we are so screwed...

I'm still struggling to breath as if I had just gotten the wind knocked out of me.

My god...

My chest hurts like hell...

Well, I guess that's what happens when you die in your sleep...

As air enters lungs that for a short time ceased to function, I begin to realize that I am alive and I'm even more grateful for it.

Stumbling to my feet, I'm still shaken up by the grim ending to an otherwise amazing dream. But yeah, those horrifying monsters are now forever burnt into my psyche.

I look down at where I was just laying. There's a good amount of blood pooled where my head was resting on the ground. I touch my nose and ears then look at my blood covered fingers.

"Well, this is getting old fast!"

I'm going to need a goddamn blood transfusion if this keeps up. I turn to the hot tub where I left Zeon to recover.

"Alright you ass-hole... what the hell was that about, I didn't need to see, or feel any of that! I freakin' believed you already!"

I stumble to the edge of the tub and look in,

"Oh come on...!"

He's gone.

"I'm going to kick your ass when I find you, you overgrown space salamander... You almost killed me, again...! Zeon!?! Zeon, where are you!?!"

I look down to see wet footprints leading outside into the yard.

"Oh crap..."

I quickly splash jacuzzi water on my face to clean the blood off me. Don't need anybody freaking out over that sight.

Then I run outside, following the wet trail that suddenly stops.

"What!?! Where did he go?"

A drop of water hits my forehead, then another, and another. I look up already knowing what I'm about to see, and I'm still having trouble believing it...

There, levitating ten feet above me, was the alien. He's once again giving off a strong glow from his body. But this glow was more yellowish, like sunlight.

I yell up to him.

"What are you doing spaceman? Get down here before someone sees you!" Then I feel the ZeoLight's voice enter my mind.

<<< Ah, Solmax. You're up. How did you sleep? Aside from that nightmare you dragged me into, I myself feel much better after resting in your "Hot tub". Anyway, I'm absorbing the sunlight radiation. I must recharge my power, this will bring my strength back up and allow me to begin preparing you for... >>>

"Yeah, yeah... for the oncoming evil, I know! But do you think you could do that down here, on the ground? Let me get you a beach chair." Zeon ignores me and continues to absorb the sun's energy.

I say to him again, "Zeon please, you must come down, now. If anyone sees you, they're going to freak out and call the cops and the next thing you'll know you're going to be turned into a pair of boots and a handbag!"

Zeon then asks me in a puzzled tone, <<< Solmax, do we not want your people to be prepared for when the darkness invades? They must all know what is coming to wipe them out of existence if they are to have any chances of survival. >>>

ZEON and The Solmax Destiny Part 1Where stories live. Discover now