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The big move
Alexander POV

We were moving today. I was skeptical.
I was at school assembly and Mr Tulipa said ",One of our principal . of my very best students ,senior student Alexander Welter ."he said pointing to me right next to him.",She was chosen to study in Pristine heights in Prince Calipa's building ."
I was given rounds of applause and I saw the principal give me a strange look side glance as if he knew something we shouldn't . I shook my head free of silly thoughts.
Maybe it was my eyes, but I thought I saw his head tilt in the slightest bow and his eyes darkened a shade from brown to deep red. Then turned back to brown .
The rest of the day I was preoccupied with what I saw .
Joey my best friend called in the middle of maths period.
",Hey Alex.......Alex!".he whisper shouted behind me.
",Yes ?".I said bored .
",What is wrong you seem off today? ".he asked quizzically .
",I have a bad day one of those days you know?".I told him
",You sure? ".he asked .
",Yeah I am sur-".

",Alexander I am aware that you are leaving us but please we the little people still need to teach and learn ".she snapped. The beautiful young teacher said.
",Sorry ma'am Sally ".I said shyly.
She narrowed her eyes then pouted her full lips and said ",Right as I was saying, Romeo and Juliet were and are still star crossed lovers . A Montague and a Capulet. The wealthy streets of Verona were not at peace due to their unhealthy conflict. Little did they know that their young ones would see past all that hate to unfathomable ,unconditional love. That is true love. Question is how do you see true love and how do you know it is true ."My ears pecked at this .
I love my parents and I would do anything for them.
The rest of the day went by quickly.
After saying goodbyes to all the teachers me and Joey walked out the school. We were the last ones around .
",I have to go we are moving today ".I said stopping causing him to stand in front of me.
He towered over me. He was very bulky and tall and blonde and blue eyed with chiseled jaw and baby lips.
He was and is still the most handsome boy in school and richest, his father is the senator and he chose to be my friend. Which is ironic since I am the poorest and I am considered in pretty .
",Alexander my dear it has been an honour to serve the education system beside you. Then he bowed and gave me a kiss on the palm of my hand. I blushed furiously he had never been this coy. Thank God for my tan skin.
I felt like someone was watching us but I paid it no heed . Joey led me to a bench in the park next to tje school parking lot .
",So Pristine heights huh ?".he said thoughtfully staring into space. He seemed troubled.
",Is everything alright? ",I asked.
He was startled a little then leaned on the bench back from his tense forward position to a more laid back one. His wavy blonde hair grazing his cheeks and lashes kissing his cheek bones. He smirked looking at me .
",You know,I am really going to miss you little Einstein. "he said .
",I am not Einstein! ".I hollered in fake horror.
He laughed and said ",Are you sure you not related, I mean look at your impossible hair in Einstein style. "he laughed .
",I am NOT related to the guy. He was jew and I am African there is a difference mister ".I said snapping my fingers.
",It is okay ",he sighed and said ",Do you know jews originate in Israel Africa, according to the bible the jews vacated Egypt to Europe led by Moses. So you my little Einstein you are a black Jew ".He said pushing my hair behind my ear.
",So what are you going to do, all alone in this school? ".I asked my voice cracking a little.
",I will be bored mostly but I guess I will just ask my dad if I could attend Pristine heights Prince Calipa's school ,but I heard that it very hard to even book a space ,you to book at least a year before ,but I will see what I can do. For now do not let anyone bite you. "he said seriously.
",Okay....."I said nodding.
Then his family car came, a black bullet proof SUV.
Well so far he has been giving me lifts for two years now ,since he came to my school as punishment for his distractive behavior in rich kids school. But we immediately became friends. My parents also like him even though they do not understand the gravity of our situation meaning friendship . They are convinced that we are dating. When we got to my home, a big black mover truck was loading in the furniture and it seemed as though they were because the truck door closed.
Me and Joey walked towards my parents from the SUV .
",So we are leaving now? ".I sighed .
",Mr and Mrs Welter good day, but I believe it is good bye ".he smiled.
",Hi Joey ,Yep we are going but you can call and visit anytime you want here is our new address ".mom gave him a card . He accepted graciously.
",So Joey what are going to do now that your girlfriend is moving away? ".of course dad asked.
Joey placed his hand on his bulky chest and feigned pain ",Ow the pain,the pain please do not leave me Alex I cannot live without you ".Then he took my hand hurriedly and placed over his heart ",You hear ,It is bleeding for you ".I know he is joking but his heart is really fast .
",Joey. Let. Go. Of my hand ".I pulled but his grip was tight .
I stepped closer to him and slapped his bicep and said ",Stop it with the cliches this is not literature class. "he and my parents laughed.
He pulled me into a power hug.
",Ow my Alex what am I going to do now. I will have to do my own homeworks and a new lab partner, and all those ravenous females will try to sink their fake claws into me. "with each word the hug tightened .
",Joey.... Cant breathe ".I squeezed out.
",Ow I am so sorry my little Einstein ",he pushed me back to hold me by my shoulders then said over my shoulder rather seriously ",Please take care of Alexander for me, Pristine heights is full of rich people who would do anything to get what they want, well that is what my dad says ".he said shrugging at the end.
",Do not worry Joey she is in safe hands ".my father said.
Then he looked at me and smiled ",You young lady do not forget too quickly. Make sure to call when you need to talk . Or if any girls or boys give you trouble I will come personally to disorientate them alright ".He said .
",Yes overprotective Joey ,though I am not naive . I am just able to see the good in all people ".I said.
",That is why you are naive. "he said .
I crossed my hands and pouted my lips.
Then he went to his school bag in the car and brought a small box, the size of a book .
",Farewell present since I really couldn't organise a party for you cause it would only be attended by four people, I bought you a party gift. Genius right? ".he said throwing the box to me.
",What is it? ".I asked twirling the packaged box.
",You must open it to find out. In all honesty I do not what is in there either. Someone wrapped it for me so I am not sure. By all means open ".he said leaning behind my shoulder to see while facing my parents who were holding hands to my little party.
",Wow it is a diary and pen and bracelet .It is really pretty thank you J ".I said honestly.
",I knew you would like it. The bracelet had the Key to the diary . The little button on the right that looks a ruby is actually a safety button. You press that in any emergency I will be informed ,your parents and the people and fire department. They can track you using coordinates of the distress signal. So do not play with that button, but also do not take of the bracelet. "he instructed.
",Wow you were serious about safety. "I said.
",Sorry, little too overprotective, I will visit when I can . Goodbye all ".
",Bye",my parents said.
He roughled up my hair ans kissed my cheek and said ",Good bye Einstein ".he said walking away backwards.
",Good bye malibo barbie ".I said.
He laughed and waved bye, getting into his car and drove away .
I actually felt a pang in my chest .
",Do not worry sweety, you will see him soon. "mom said.
",Ow I know, he has an assignment to accomplish. "I smiled.
",I still you two are dating. "my dad said.
",Dad we are just best friends. That is all ".
",Whatever ".they said.
I love Joey as a brother unconditionally.
We said our final goodbyes and we closed the door of my childhood forever .
We arrived at pristine heights late at night.
The apartment was a beautiful three bedroom one ,with a dining room and living room leading to a large balcony overseeing the beautiful pristine heights .The kitchen was open plan and it was very luxurious but modest to accommodate us to a more feeling of home. I found my bedroom while my parents celebrated with hugs and tears and kisses of joy. I was surprised to see a room written Alex in pink outside my door. On the inside, it was a quarter sized bed, with bed side tables. A small balcony but big none the less. A in suite bathroom with a shower and bathtub, a walk in closet . I gasped when I saw the length of it. Then on one side was a long line of ironed school uniform . With shoes and jerseys track suits ,gym wear, swim wear ,gym bag, book bag, stationary and all of the clothes were my size perfect fit. But I remember filling in my size. Then the other throng of clothes contained at least a dozen cocktail dresses and heels. Then a makeup table with kit and expensive perfumes. Then a whole lot of casual wear was also there jeans, shorts dresses pyjamas. I was speechless really. Something is not right about these people and what they want from me is bound to be big, Really REALLY BIG. BIG TIME.
I saw a door near the casual clothes, concealed but still visible .I struggled to open it but it pushed open in the end and I was welcomed by a library of my own with mountains of books on shelves and a couch near an artificial fire place. The room gave off an ancient vibe to it. Then at the end of the library was another door .
How many doors do I have. It opened to a pristine white room that had a white board, books and formulas and containers of chemicals and before I could enter that room there were four silver like suits and clear masks.
wear safety suits at all times ,the room gives of nuclear radiations which is dangerous to humans and other species alike.
I wore the suits and went to push the door it showed a keypad on glass and that read password.
I do not know .
I entered just out of curiosity.
PJCS, it flashed a bright red in error repeatedly.
2000 my birth year ,it showed the bright red .
One last option remaing.
Ow well here it goes .
Heir. Bang !and the door opened releasing white fog that chilled me to the bone. I saw the room temperature ,below fifteen degrees no wonder I was supposed to wear this thermo suit. The door shut itself behind me I felt a little clustered but searched the area anyways .
After sating my curiousity I went out to my room I wear my old pyjamas and went out to meet my parents.
",Let us pray, God has favoured us ".my mother cried.
",I still think they want more than their letting on ".I said suspiciously eyeing the apartment.
",Alex stop being skeptical and let us pray okay ",my mom gushed .
",Fine ".I grumbled

We prayed and went to sleep. But the feeling of being watched only increased causing me to my balcony more times than necessary. Suffice it to say, I did not sleep much.

I LOVE this book. It is so easy to write I am even planning ahead so suffice it to say what you read is the unedited words straight from my head first hand. Love all of you and God bless.
Yours Aurriccah
Please Read
8:32am/thursday/08/02/2018 +2GMT SOUTH AFRICA.

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