wang so - hate is a strong word

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You were dead silent.  The words Wang So had said rang through your head like a bell chime - it just would not go away.  "I hate you," he had said, just seconds before.  You looked up at your . . . best friend, unable to speak.  Tears creased in your eyes but you stayed silent.  If he hated you, you would give him a reason to hate you.  You got to your feet and bowed your head to the prince.

"I hope you have a wonderful life, your highness," you softly said.  "Please refrain from talking to me.  I will ask the king to send me home as soon as he can."  Your head faced the ground as you quickly walked off; how was this possible?  Just yesterday, Wang So was asking to spend the rest of his life with you.

Wang So was a peculiar prince.  He was not like the others.  That is why you liked him so much! But he went and ripped out your fragile heart with just three words.  Three words that were the opposite of what you had always wanted to hear.

Maybe Wang So was just trying to protect you from something.  Maybe he did not want you made fun of like he was - people were terrified of him.  But at the same time, you did not care if people disliked you.  As long as you would have the prince, you would be fine.  But now, even that seemed impossible.  

You walked along to your bedroom, soft sniffles escaping you.  A court lady bowed as you passed her.  "Lady y/n, would you like me to make your tea?" she softly asked.  You gave her a small nod, walking into your bedroom without another word.

That night, you would not drink it.  You barely even touch your food.  You would show Wang So what he did to your heart - he ripped it out and chewed on it.  Not that you did not deserve it.  You began to think back to before you met Wang So.  You had believed all of the rumors; you thought, down to the very last rumor, they were all true.  Maybe you were being punished by the gods.  Maybe they thought you deserved this more than you deserved Wang So's love.  Afterall, hate is a strong word.  He could have been joking, in the long run.  But now, we'll never know because once it has been said, it can change a person whether they tend to care or not.

(word count: 422)

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