wang eun - best friends

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The young and childish prince looked up at you; you were the boy's best friend.  He depended on you for everything.  In this case, it was Haesoo.  Did she or did she not like him?  As a court lady, it was rather easy for you to come upon Haesoo - as Eun's personal court lady, it was even easier.

Eun stood up and began to pace back and forth.  "Y/n, maybe it is all some lie.  Jung lies sometimes - surely, he is lying about this!"

"Only one way to find out," you softly giggled in response.

Eun huffed softly before he slowly sat back down.  "Well, go and ask her . . ."  You give the man a small bow before you made your way over to Lady Haesoo.  You took a deep breath and bowed to make yourself visible to the woman. She immediately smiled.

"You are Eun's court lady," she softly said.  You nodded.  "Is there something you need then?  is Prince Eun well?"

You gave the woman another nod.  "Yes.  He is well.  He would also like to know . . ." you looked over at Eun who was now feverishly shaking his head.  He had chickened out.  "He would like to know if you would like to go to a little puppet show he will be showing."

She softly smiled and nodded.  "That would be lovely!"

You bowed to her, walking back to Eun.  You shot him a soft glare but he only grinned.  "Get ready for a puppet show, your highness," you smirked.  Eun's eyes widened slightly before he only nodded in response.

(word count: 270)

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